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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:16:07
Agriculture in China China has only 7 percent of tile world farmland, but it successfully feeds 22 percent of the word population. It has the largest irrigated area of the fanaland in the world and grows more than a third of rice and other crops of the world. Fish farming is also important, so fresh-water fish can be produced wherever you hive. Vegetable waste is used (转载自中国教育文摘 http://www.edUzhai.net ,请保留此标记.)to feed pigs and chickens in the country. Gas also is produced by human and animal waste there, and it is used to heating and cooking. Using waste can make the environment around us cleaner and cleaner. 中国的农业 中国仅拥有世界耕地面,面积的7%,却成功养活了世界22%的人口,而且中国是世界上灌溉耕地面积最多的国家,种了占世界三分之一以上的庄稼.渔业也很重要,无论你住在什么地,你都会发现淡水鱼.在农村,莱叶、莱根等被用来养猪和喂鸡,而人类和动物的粪便也可用于生产沼气、取暖、做饭.废物利用可以使我们周围的环境越来越干净.