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一些英语问题.1.A:we should have saved the boy.B:yeah,the river .de

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 08:48:41
1.A:we should have saved the boy.
B:yeah,the river .deep enough.
2.I wish i was.为何不用成I wish i were.
3.all you need to do is ask yourself.中ask为何不用成asked?
4.long live.中live为何不用成lives
5.it‘s a work it‘s a works it‘s work有什么区别?
6.little sheep .good weather .little fish .few friends
7.he said so upset me.A.What B.That
1.A:We should have saved the boy.
B:yeah,the river .deep enough.
本题需要用过去时was.因为A 用的是虚拟语气,should have saved是对过去的虚拟,指的是“当时应该救而没有救”,因此B 也应该用过去时态说明当时的河水很深.
2.I wish I was.为何不用成I wish I were.
3.all you need to do is ask yourself.中ask为何不用成asked?
句中的is ask yourself 是不定式作表语是,等于is to ask yourself 的省略,这也是口语中常见的现象.
4.long live.中live为何不用成lives
表示祝愿或诅咒的句子属于虚拟语气,句中的谓语动词不考虑主语的人称或数,只用原形,其实就是‘should + 原形’的省略,即long should live…(愿…长命百岁).另如God bless you.(愿上帝保佑你),Heaven forbid(苍天不容).
5.it‘s a work it‘s a works it‘s work有什么区别?
1)work是名词,表示著作、艺术品、工程或工事.这种情况是多用复数形式works,如果主语是it 间或也有用作a work的.但是It‘s a works 和it‘s work 都不正确,应该用It‘s the works 或it‘s works.如:
It’s a work of Shakespeare.这是莎士比亚的一个作品
It’s the works of Shakespeare.这是莎士比亚的(几个或全部)作品.
It’s works.这是作品集.
6....little sheep,...good weather,.little fish,...few friends 空格中用such 还是so
such 是形容词,后面可以跟带有形容词的单数或复数名词;so 是副词,后面跟形容词加单数名词.如:
such a little sheep(little是形容词,表示‘短暂的’,修饰整个名词词组a little sheep)
so little a sleep(little是副词,修饰形容词性冠词a,表示‘几乎没有一次’)
such a good weather(good 是形容词,修饰weather【抽象名词具体化】)
such little fish,(little是形容词,修饰复数名词fish)
such few friends(few 是形容词,修饰复数名词friends)
7....he said so upset me.A.What B.That
用What he said so upset me.
What是关系代词性连接代词,等于things that,相当于汉语的‘所…的事’,用来引导名词性从句.这里的What he said是主语从句,也可以改写为Things (that he said) so upset me,其中的that he said 是定语从句.