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英语好的进After reading The Old man and the SeaIt’s really a wond

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 15:45:11
After reading The Old man and the Sea
It’s really a wonderful story about belief and courage.
The hero is Santiago, an old fisherman. For eighty-four days, he had not caught any fish. Everybody didn’t think the man has a good luck. But the old man didn’t think so. He believed himself. He thought his skills will help him to have a big harvest. So, he still decided to go fishing at the eighty-fifth day. After the great efforts, Santiago indeed got a big Marlin. Of course you can imagine how excited he was. He tied the fish to the boat. And then he set foot on the way home .But unfortunately, the next things didn’t go well as we expect. The man encountered a series of difficulties. He had to fight with many kinds of sharks who came to eat the Marlin. Although the old man was very, very tired, he refused to give in. He just kept fighting. When he landed, the only thing of the big Marlin left is the skeleton.
Did the old man succeed? Maybe different people have different answers. But in my opinion, although the only thing the man took back was the skeleton of the big Marlin which seemed of no use, he was still the winner. Because whether a man is a winner or not doesn’t depend on how many he gets, but depends on how hard he works in order to reach his goal. And there’s no doubt that the man had tried his best. I do admire him from the bottom of my heart.
So I have to say, the old fisherman, Santiago, was a winner.
In the past, I asked myself some questions sometimes. If I am in trouble, will I be as brave as possible? If I have been very tired because of the trouble, will I keep trying and not give up until I reach my goal? Maybe it doesn’t matter what the answers were before. The thing which is much more important is how I will behave in the future.
A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
I will never forget what Santiago said.
The courage of the old man will inspire me from now on.
I am so sure I will gradually become the one who is brave and strong enough to face all difficulties without any fear.
Because the old fisherman, Santiago, had told me that everyone could be even power than you had ever imagined as long as he believed he could.
鸡蛋里挑骨头没事找事的毛病就不用提了= =
第四行has a good luck把a去掉 luck不可数
其他基本没什么问题 作为学生应该算是不错了 润色什么的还可以改进