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英语翻译Hi Linda,Thank you for you e-mail.  I was happy to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:13:49
Hi Linda,Thank you for you e-mail.  I was happy to hear from you.  I am sorry to hear that school is stressful.  It should not bestressful.  Going to school and Learning ought to be natural and exciting.You have to avoid the stress.  I hope that you were not stressed in my classes and that you enjoyed learning with me.If you see any friends that know me,say 'hello' to them from me.Hope to hear again from you.TIP (a little lesson):  please use periods at the end of a sentence,and then,leave a space.  Also,please use commas.Have your English teacher teach you the rules of punctuation.Enjoy your schooling!  Which school are you going to?  The same one where we met?Sincerely,Mrs.Rey (Changchun,Summer 2010) 帮我翻译一下
琳达,你好,感谢你发过来的邮件. 很高心收到你的来信. 听到你说在学校里压力很大,我为你感到难过,上学不应该压力这么大的.在学校学习本应是件自然愉快的事,你必须要避免这样的压力.希望在我的课上你没有感到压力,希望你上我的课时是愉快的. 如果你能见到认识我的朋友,请代我向他们问好.希望能再次收到你的来信. 再给你上点小课:在句末,要用句号,然后要空一格.同样,你也应该用用逗号. 你们的英语老师有教过你们发音规则吗? 好好上课吧,你将会去哪所学校呢?是在我们相遇的哪家学校吗? 你的Rey先生(2010夏天于长春)