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一单项选择You can not inmagine great fun chatting online isA what

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 22:27:19
You can not inmagine great fun chatting online is
A what B how c why D whether(为是么选A,请分析一下,我选的是B)
I am sorry.That was not of much help.
And it was much helpful.(我没读懂这是什么意思)
was allowed to take them in public places around Amesterdam for people to use.
A Anyone B Everyone(答案给的A,我选B.能解释一下二者有什么区别么)
1 fun 不可数 如果要选how ,句子应改为 how great fun it is .
补充 :imagine 后面的是句宾语从句,感叹句.(具体可以查下百度 关于what 和how 在感叹句中的用法)
2 句意 :对不起,那没什么帮助.其实它很有用(起到了作用).
完形 anyone有强调的意味.