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英语翻译Numpad 1:Unlimited Health - you are immune to death in m

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 08:36:22
Numpad 1:Unlimited Health - you are immune to death in most cases.
Numpad 2:Unlimited Ammo - your current weapon will not need reloading
Numpad 3:Duplicate Inventory - activate this key and then press the
inventory key.Your items in the inventory will have multiplied.
Numpad 4:Credits - activate this key and then press the
inventory key.You will have more credits.
Numpad 5:Upgrade Nodes - activate this key and then press the
inventory key.You will have more upgrade nodes.
Numpad 6:Unlimited Stasis - you won't run out of Stasis Power.
Numpad 7:Save Position - save your position for teleport.
Numpad 8:Teleport - teleport to saved position.You cannot
teleport between 'saved' positions and different
Numpad 9:Undo Teleport - try to undo the teleport.
Numpad .:Oxygen - you will have unlimited oxygen.
Numpad +:Hull Integrity - your ship's hull remains intact.
Numpad -:Gun Overheating - your weapons will not overheat.
Numpad 1 :无限的健康-你是免疫死刑在大多数情况下.
Numpad 2 :无限弹药-您当前的武器将不再需要重新加载
Numpad 3 :重复的清单-激活此键,然后按下
Numpad 4 :贷项-启用此键,然后按下
Numpad 5 :升级节点-激活此键,然后按下
Numpad 6 :无限血瘀-你会不会用完血瘀电源.
Numpad 7 :保存位置-储存您的位置电讯.
Numpad 8 :电信-电讯以保存位置.你不能
Numpad 9 :撤消电信-尝试撤消电讯.
Numpad .:氧-你将拥有无限氧气.
Numpad + :船体完整性-您的船体完好无损.
Numpad - :枪过热-您的武器不会过热.