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about passion

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 01:44:27
about passion
Life is action and passion.生活就是行动加激情.Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.世上没有一件伟大的事不是由激情所成就的.The real secret of success is passion and enthusiasm.成功的真正秘诀是激情和热诚.Follow your passon ,and success will follow you.追随你的激情,成功就会随之而来.Only passions,great passions,can elevate the soul to great things.只有激情,十分的激情,才能将思想灵魂升华到更高层次.All you need is passion.If you have a passion for something,you will create the talent.你所需要的正是激情.如果你对某些事情怀有激情,你就会创造出所需的才能.A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion,not position.伟大的领导者用以实现远景的勇气来自激情,而非地位.A strong passion for any object will ensure success,for the desire of the end will point out the means.对任何目标的强烈激情都会保证成功,因此达到目标的渴望会指出通向成功的道路.So try to pursue the very things that you are passionate about----that is the difference between good and great !去追求你所为之狂热的事情吧------这就是良与优之别.If there is no passion in your life,then have you really lived?find your passion,whatever it may be.Become it,and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you,TO you and BECAUSE OF you.如果你的人生中没有激情,那你算是真正活过吗?找到你的激情,无论什么激情都可以.把自己融入激情,也把激情灌注自身,你会发现奇迹将为你,向你,因你而发生.