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跪求 以下口语题目. 会几个说几个

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:09:39
跪求 以下口语题目. 会几个说几个
1. Do you share your feelings with friends? Why/why not ? 2. Are you ready to help others?why/why not? 3. How do you improve your spoken english? 4. what is your favourite subject?why? 5. please say something about your hometown. 6. Do you often play computer games?why/why not? 7. what is your favourite university?why? 8. how do you spend your spare time ? 9. please say something about one of your good friend? 10. do you love your school?why/why not? 11. do you like to have a part-time job?why/why not 12. how do you find your english teacher? 13. what TV program do you like best?why 14. do you often watch TV?why/why not? 15. what are your hobbies?please say something about then? 16. how do you celebrate your birthday 17. how do you spend your weekends? 18. do you like music?why/why not? 19. what subject do you like best ?why? 20. why do you learn spoken english? 21. do you lisren to music while you are studying?why/why not? 22. what will you do if you have a lot of money? 23. do you think friends are important to you?why /why not 24. what is your favourite sport?why? 25. do you think money is very important to you ?why/why not 26. do you think friendship is important to you ?why/why not? 27. what is your favourite food?why? 28. do you like animals?why/why not? 29. how do you practice your spoken english? 30. do you remember your parents’ birthdays?how do you celebrate them? 31. which season do you like best?why? 32. would you please introduce your family? 33. do you like fast food ?why/why not、
1.NO,it;s my privacy.
2.Maybe,the recently researches shows that people alway act in a random way.
3.Speak more.
4.I don' know,but certainly not English.It really sucks.
5.Guangzhou,you can find everything you want on the site,I swear
Google or Baidu would do a much better performance than me.
6.No,too expensive,you have to admit that you should pay much more money than ten years before if you want to play the game well...
7.Every university which would take me,it's not easy to find a university who want me...
8.Sleep,shopping,sports,and girls..
9.A fat guy who owned me 10 box..
10.If it give me some scholarship...
11.Yap,I need money.
12.Actually,she finded me,I tried to excape..
13.Pay channel.Every young man knows the reason..
14.No,I am not rich to pay the whole year for the channel.
15.Girls...just gay don't like girls at 18..
16.Pub,bear,guys and girls,and condoms
17.Sleep,part-time,girlfriend whould always take one or a half days..
18.Yah,no reason.
19.Look Q4 pls
20.Per dio when the lesson begin I can do nothing on it.
21.Of course,homework make always make you sleep.
22.Enjoy my life.
23.Yap,without them life is so bored.
24.Foolball,my father show me the game when i was 4.ok,girls likes the guys who play it...
25.Yes,no boby is so rich,but think he must yet earn more..
26.Q23 pls.
27.Chinese food.I am Chinese...
28.No,i have neither money nor time to take care of them.
29.Speak more.
30.Yes,have a dinner outside...don't tell me you like to do the samething as you do in your birthday..
31.Summer.Girls become 'cool' than other season..you know,it's hot..
32.My father,my mother and me.
33.No,it sucks.