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英语翻译Species from multiple branches of theanimal kingdom have

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/14 08:56:54
Species from multiple branches of theanimal kingdom have evolved mechanisms to sense electromagnetic radiation intheir environments.Likewise many microbes,in the absence of complex eyestructures employed by metazoans,have developed light-activated proteins for avariety of purposes.For some,this serves as amechanism of homeostasis toremain at a certain depth in the ocean (Beja et al.2000,2001); for others,this helps maintain osmotic balance in a highly saline environment (Stoeckenius1985).These and other diverse roles are,in many cases,fulfilled by a family ofseven-transmembrane,light-responsive proteins encoded by opsin genes.
Opsingenes are divided into two distinct superfamilies:microbial opsins (type I)and animal opsins (type II).Opsin proteins from both families require retinal,a vitamin A–related organic cofactor that serves as the antenna for photons;when retinal is bound,the functional opsin proteins are termed rhodopsins.Retinal covalently attaches to a conserved lysine residue of helix 7 by forminga protonated retinal Schiff base (RSBH+).The ionic environment of the RSB,defined by the residues of the binding pocket,dictates the spectral andkinetic characteristics of each individual protein.Upon absorption of aphoton,retinal isomerizes and triggers a sequence of conformational changeswithin the opsin partner.The photoisomerized retinal is the triggerforsubsequentstructural rearrangements andactivities performed by these proteins.