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首字母填空He's really d__ with his new CD player.she r__the dirty

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 07:31:01
首字母填空He's really d__ with his new CD player.she r__the dirty dishes from the table
The research showed an a__ between diet and various diseases.
I don't think this case is really of great s__
A bus t__ us from the airport to the city
He c__with a number of other candidates
The match ended in a t__
I had the h__ of presenting the awards at the ceremony
The new government will come into p__ next month
He made an a__ to take a medical degree
1. The research showed an association(相关性) between diet and various diseases.
2. I don't think this case is really of great surprise.
3. A bus takes us from the airport to the city.
4. He competed(竞争)with a number of other candidates.
compete with 与……竞争
5. The match ended in a tie(平局).
6. I had the honour of presenting the awards at the ceremony.
have the honour of 有幸做……
7. The new government will come into power next month
come into power 开始当权或上台
8. He made an attempt to take a medical degree.
make an attempt to do sth. 企图/试图做某事
9. He's really delighted with his new CD player.
be delighted with 因……感到高兴(感情比be happy with 更强烈)
10. she removed the dirty dishes from the table.
remove ... from ... 从……移走;处理掉
补充说明:楼上He's really dispoint_ with his new CD player. 中dispoint应改成disappointed,拼写才对,语法上才通.be disappointed at sth. 对某事(物)感到失望