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英语翻译语句不通顺,试着翻译!When you love someone so deeply,he become you

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 02:08:37
When you love someone so deeply,he become your life.It is easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside,blindly I imagined I could keep you under glass.Now I understand to hold you,I must open up my hands,and watch you riss.Fly abandonly into the sun.If you shold return to me,we truly were meant to be.I have learned that beauty,has to flourish in the light.You have given me the courage,to be all that Ican.And Itruly feel you heart will,lead you back to me when you are read to land
当你深爱着一个人,他成为了你生命的一部分,由此内心很容易陷于极度的恐惧中,我曾盲目地幻想紧紧束缚着你,现在我懂的去包容你,我必须放开我的手,看着你自由的飞向太阳.如果你再能回到我身边,那我们注定了是一体的.我已领略了 那份美好,是你给了我所有的勇气,我也真实地感受到,当你准备着陆的时候,你的心将会指引你回到我的身边.应该是When you are ready to land吧?是不是ready 打错了写成了 read?