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英语翻译And,once again,as in the case of the fields&woods and hi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 14:09:40
And,once again,as in the case of the fields&woods and hillsides,when they are in the full enjoyment of this pleasure,surely they will not forgo it for fear of that artificial poverty,which is an affair as purely conventional as the beauty of our ancient buildingsis real & substantial.Yet you must not suppose that I am an advocate of the tumble-down picturesque.Keep your village houses weather-tight,trim,and useful; and where you must,build others beside them:but why,when you build these,should you make them specimens of the worst buildings in the worst suburbs of a modern town Even in the passing day,if you build them solidly and unpretentiously,using good materials natural to their own country-side,&if you do not stint the tenant of due elbow-room& garden,it is little likely that you will have done any offence to the beauty of the country-side or the older houses in it.Indeed,I have a hope that it will be from such necessary,unpretentious buildings that the new and genuine architecture will spring,rather
than from our experiments in conscious style more or less ambitious,or those for which the immortal Dickens has given us the never-to-be-forgotten adjective ' Architectooralooral.’
Now this matter of the proper understanding of Architecture is at the present moment of such over-whelming importance in the consideration of the future of the Arts that I must say a few more words about it,even though it be in parenthesis.I mean,in plain terms,thatthemanner in which our buildings,and especially our houses,are built is really the foundation ofthe whole question of Art; and that,if we cannot build fit and beautiful (not necessarily highly decorated) houses,we cannot have Art at all in our days.Reflect on it A picture may be hidden in a drawing-room; a book may remain unopened on a library shelf; a drawing or engraving
Shut up in a portfolio; but a house is always in evidence to injure every passer-by by its badness,or benefit him by its goodness.Neither can any work of Art,not even the greatest work of Art,a beautiful woman,look well in a bad house.Now that being the case,and our modern houses being undeniably,and even,it would seem,wilfully,bad,for the most part,let us,I beg of you once more,take every care of our old buildings,which are good.I say every care :not only do not pull them down in the interest of railways,manufactories,public-houses,and the like; but mend them so as to keep them weather-tight,and then leave them genuine.The history of what is called ‘restoration,’ of which I really must say a few words,gives such a curious instance of the non-use of the eyesight,that,apart from other matters,it quite belongs to the question.
时间很紧迫 希望好心的大侠 本人英语实在有限,翻译出来后老师说要改 但 我已用尽我毕生的精力了 …… 不要随便网上一分钟都不到的免费翻译,我就是这样翻译出来的 再自己组织语言,但我能力有限,老师还是说要改,所以求那些真心的好心人
在fields&woods和山坡情况下,并且,再次,当他们在这乐趣的充分的享受,他们肯定不会抛弃它为避免那人为贫穷,是事理一样纯粹常规象坚固我们的古老的buildingsis秀丽真正&.您不能假设我是提倡者的摇摇欲坠美丽如画.保持您的村庄房子防风雨,修剪和有用; 并且您必须的地方,修造其他在他们旁边:但是,当您修造这些时,您为什么应该做他们标本最坏的大厦在一个现代镇的最坏的郊区?在通过的天,如果您修造他们坚实地和质朴,使用好材料自然对他们自己的乡下,您不限制交付手肘room&庭院的房客的&if,是少许可能的您做了所有进攻对乡下或它的更旧的房子的秀丽.的确,我有希望它宁可将是从新和真正建筑学反弹的这样必要,质朴的大厦,从我们的实验的than在更神志清楚的样式或较不雄心勃勃,或者那些不朽的Dickens给了我们never-to-be-forgotten形容词‘Architectooralooral.’
Now对建筑学的适当的理解的这个问题目前时期是在艺术的未来的考虑的这样压倒多数重要我必须说一些个更多词对此,即使它在括号里.我意味,简单说来,我们的大厦和特别是我们的房子,被修建真正地是艺术的整个问题基础的thatthemanner在; 并且那,如果我们不可能修建适合和美丽的(不一定高度装饰的)房子,我们不可能有艺术在我们的天.反射对此!图片也许在绘图室掩藏; 书也许保持未打开在图书馆架子; 图画或板刻
Shut在股份单; 但是房子总是在伤害每个路人的证据由它的不善,或者由它的善良有益于他.都不很好能任何艺术作品,不甚而最巨大的艺术作品,一名美丽的妇女,神色在一个坏房子里.即然是实际情形和不容置疑地和甚而是我们的现代的房子,它将似乎,恣意地,坏,至于大部分,让我们,我更加乞求您,每照料我们的老大厦,是好.我说每关心:不仅不拉下他们为了铁路,工厂,公众房子,等等; 但是修理他们以便保持他们防风雨,然后留给他们真正.什么的历史称‘restoration,’我必须真正地说一些个词,给眼力的不使用的这样一个好奇事例,除其他事态之外,它相当属于问题.