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英语翻译不要翻译器的,尽量流畅,(ps.一定记得翻译文章啊,不要只做完型) I‘m only twelve years

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:19:55
I‘m only twelve years old,but I know sadnessand the fear of death very well.My grandfather has been smoking since he was ayoung teenager,and now he has a terrible 35 which makes it hard for himto breathe.Two weeks ago,he had an operation.The doctors thought that hisdays were numbered,but 36 he got better.He was taken off the machinethat helped him breathe,but still he couldn‘t talk.
37 my grandfather was inhospital,my mother and I flew to Pittsburgh to be with him.We were very 38 that we wouldn‘t see him again.
When we reached my grandfather‘s hospitalroom,I was surprised by his 39 .He looked so weak.He was hardly able toeven speak.Somehow though,he managed to say,i…you
You what,Grandpa?‖ I asked.He didn‘t have the 40 to answer me.He had used upall strength with those two words,―I … you.‖
The next morning my mother and I had to leave.I kept wondering just what he had tried so hard to tell 41 .It wasn‘t until I was back home in Georgia that I learned what he had tried tosay.
A week after we returned home,my familyreceived a phone call 42 one of the nurses in the hospital.She toldus that my grandfather had said,―Call my granddaughter and tell her ‗love .‘‖ At first I didn‘t understand why he wouldjust say,―love.‖ Why not ―I love you?‖ Then it 43 me.The day we were in the hospital he hadbeen trying to say,―I love you.‖ I was really touched.
After many weeks,my grandfather was finallyable to 44 .I began to call him every night.Normallyhe had to stop after about five minutes because he was too weak.No matterwhat,though,every time we 45 he would say,―I love you‖ and ―I‘d do anything for you.‖ These,along with his moving words,―You‘re the only reason I live,‖ are the best compliments
(赞美) I have ever received.
My grandfather is still very ill and I know wedon‘t have much time.I feel very honored that hehas 46 his feelings with me.I have learnt a lot from this experience.But themost important thing I‘ve learned isthat a simple ―I love you‖ is really not simple.It‘s a reason forliving.
35.A.temper B.disease C.dream D.feeling
36.A.unexpectedly B.unluckily C.hurriedly D.interestingly
37.A.While B.Before C.Though D.If
38.A.sad B.hopeless C.crazy D.fearful
39.A.words B.clothes C.condition D.behaviour
40.A.energy B.courage C.chance D.time
41.A.her B.me C.him D.them
42.A.by B.to C.from D.for
43.A.hit B.beat C.knocked D.touched
44.A.walk B.think C.breathe D.talk
45.A.dropped in B.hung on C.hung up D.got up
46.A.left B.shared C.experienced D.checked
35-39 BAADC 40-46 ABCADCB