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如何写英语作文my favourite book

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 14:32:07
如何写英语作文my favourite book
My favorite book
My favorite book is Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens,Nicholas is a lovely and clever young boy.He lives in south-west of England .He is from a good family.When his old father died at home,his father left many debts.Once these were paid .His family found themselves with little money and no house to live in.
So Nicholas asks a help with his uncle so that he can get a work.His uncle showed him an advertisement in the newspaper and instruction Nicholas to work at hall.Next day he said goodbye sadly to his family and go to the hall.Nicholas soon saw that the headmaster and Mrs.Queer loved making the boys.The Suffer and Queer read their letters from boy鈥檚 home and tell them that their parents don鈥檛 love them.Student have not real lesson,but do jobs for Queers in the school.So everyone is afraid of Queers.
So Nicholas run away with a poor boy called Mike that no family and no friends to London.On his way,Nicholas make friend with Ned Cheerily and Charles Cheerily.  Nicholas help with the accounts for their work .The twins helped Nicholas a lot,and Nicholas quickly learn how to do the accounts.Nickolas enjoys his work.Two days after Nicholas starts work,he and his family moved into the little in Bow.The poor Mike is happy for the first time in his life.
My favorite鈥檚 scene in the book is John Brownies help Nicholas push Queer back hard with on of his big hands and Queer fall back at once onto Nicholas鈥檚 uncle .Then Nicholas鈥檚 uncle fall over too.Then the two man leave,were shouting many others angry threats behind them while they were going out of the front door.
In the end of the book Nicholas married with Madeline.
Nicholas is the hero of the story,but there are other important characters .Mr.Queer is a rich man that started the hall.He loved make the students there suffer.Queer often beat students hard.The students are afraid of him.Mike is a tall and poor boy; he often is treating by Queer .Madeleine Bray is a petty with fair hair.Nicholas鈥檚 uncle-Ralph is a moneylender,he is rich and cruel.He lends money to the other with usury.He got a due reward that only son was died in finally.The son is Mike.He isn鈥檛 known that is his son before.He is 鈥済et what is coming to one鈥?Finally,it talks about freedom,social rules and how people are publish for bad behaviour.
Why do I think Nicholas Nickleby is a great book?Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth,England,and for most of his life lived in or near London.He wrote the story in 1850,but it is still read and loved by people all over the world today.And although it is only a story,Dickens wrote it in everyday English of the northern states of England in 18th century,so it reads very real.Today it is thought to be one of the greatest books in England literature.Go on!Read it,I believe you will enjoy it,too.
1.     I have got no family or friend.
2.     I don鈥檛 matter if I live or die.
3.     There鈥檚 only suffering for me in this life.
4.     I will do anything,I will be your servant,and I just want to be with you.
5.     We will go out into the world together.
6.     I shall never forget how kind you have been.
7.     My poor heart will break,living there.
8.     We enjoy helping other people with money.
9.     I will try my very best to do it well.
10. Your words have given me strength.
11. How can I ever thank you enough for all that you have done?
12. He is an ugly old man,with no friends and no kindness in his heart.
13. It鈥檚 very good to see you,my friends.
14. You have nothing to say us,and we have nothing to say to you.
15. A young boy man who needed your love and help more than any other.
16. Inside the large,dark,cold house he tried to imagine the son that he once had,as a little boy,playing on the floor.
17. But his eyes came back to his house,empty of love,as it really was.
18. Ring,bells!Ring for the coming in of every year that brings this terrible world nearer to its end!
19. I can see that you people won鈥檛 leave me alone until you have told me everything.
20. In spring and summer,those children put flowers on a small grave near the house.
My favorite book is Alice鈥檚 Adventures in Wonderland.This book was written by Carroll louies,and it tells us about Alice鈥檚 mystical Adventures in her wonderful dream.In her dream,Alice fell down a deep hole,which is a crazy unbelievable world.There is a white rabbit wearing white gloves,a caterpillar smoking a pipe,a mad Hatter and March Hare having tea,a pack of cards playing a strange game of croquet.In the end,the card queen wanted to kill Alice.
 Please look at this picture.The caterpillar is smoking its pipe,it always asked Alice who she was,it told Alice that one side of the mushroom would made her taller,and the other side would made her shorter.  Alice broke off a piece in each hand from opposite sides of the mushroom.She ate some of the piece in her left hand,a minute later she was as high as the tallest tree in the wood.Then she ate a little from the other piece of the mushroom in her right hand,she began to get smaller at once,and very carefully,she ate first from one hand,then from the other,until she was about 80 centimetres high.
Alice鈥檚 Adventures in Wonderland is a wonderful story to me.I like it very much and hope that everyone read it and have a magical adventure.
My   Favorite  Book
Everyone has his favorite book.My favorite book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain who is from American.
The stories tell us about a adventures with the Tom Sawyer and his friends.The story takes place in a ST Petersburg Missouri in America.There are six people in the story,they are Tom Sawyer,Polly,Huck Finn,Joe,Becky and Injun Joe.The Injun Joe is the bad man of the story,so I hate him very much.My favorite scene is the Funeral scene,because it makes me move and laugh when I read here.
I think it is a great book in the world and it is worthy of being loved by many people.