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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 21:24:07
人教版九年级下册英语(新目标)配套练习册答案 2013-01-25 | 阅:1 转:41 | 分享 腾讯空间 人人网 开心网 新浪微博 腾讯微博 搜狐空间 推荐给朋友 举报 修改 山东省 人教版九年级下册英语(新目标)配套练习册答案 Unit 9 when was it invented Section A 一:1.invented 2.invention 3.adjustable 4.heat 5.slippers 二:5 CBCCC 三:1.What,used for 2.Who ,invented 3.is ,cleaned 4.must be repaired 5.to see Section B 一:1.notice 2.salty 3.produced 4.remain 5.pleasant 二:2.too thin 2.by accident 3.According to,was discovered 4.by mistake 5.in this way ,in the end 6.fell into 三:5:AADCD 10:BDBDC 11~12 :AC 四:for,on,Who ,think,are,inwentions,is ,most Self Check and Reading 一:1.century 2.knock 3.below 4.wooden 5.towards 6.developing 7.divided 8.active 9.aim 10.create 二:1.helpful 2.invention 3.salt 4.the most popular 5.safety 6.wood 三:1.It is believed 2.named 3.to learn 4.was sent 5.was handed in 6.Was ,cleaned 7.found him 8.When was,invented 四:5:BADBA 10:CADAB 五:5:ABCAC 6.He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them.With the money he set up a chemical lab.7.Yes.Because he was awarded 1368 separate and distinct patents during his lifetime.8.February 11th,1847 9.October 18th ,1931 10.America 11.Built a lab 12.1368 13.His first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868.14.1876~1877,invented the phonograph.15.1900~1910,invented and perfected and steel alkaline storage battery.