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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 22:41:08
一.补全对话 1. My father is a professor in this university. Mr Smith is an a______ of my father. 2. You're four year old .Can you c_____ number from one to ten? 3.Where are you going ? 4. I want to buy an e_____ newspaper. 5.I have no p_____ finding his house. 6.作晚在音乐会上有任何问题吗? Was there _____ _____ at the ______ last night? 7.他将不再去北京了. He _____ going to Beijing_____________. 8.她是一个从CCTV来的记者. She is _______ _______ from CCTV. 9水果色拉是由苹果,梨,香蕉等组成的. Fruit ______ is made of apples, _______and _______. 10.许多中国人喜欢在生日时吃面条,据说它能使人长寿. Many Chinese people people enjoy _______ noodles on th- Eir birthday . It is said that it makes_______long_______. 二.汉译英: 总而言之________________________ 7.南韩_________________ 1.葡萄牙语_______________________ 8。我的工作很有趣但是又有一点危险性。 2.西班牙语________________________ My work is interesting but _______ 3.阿根廷_________________________ __________________. 4.动作片_________________________ 9.我们开办了一所5~12岁孩子的国际性的校。 5.什么种类________________________ We ______ an ______ school for chil- 10. 她是中等身材. I am _____ _____. dren of 5~12. 11. 皮带________ 12..耳环 ________ 13. 你觉的肥皂剧怎样? What do you ________ of __________ __________? 三.根据句意填入一个恰当的词。 1.The movie [My fourteen birthday] is a romance . It’s s_____________. 2.You had better use s________ when you wash your hands. 3 Unfortunately I lost my w________ on the bus yesterday.
解题思路: 对不起!网站有规定,一次只能回答一道题。 所以老师只能给你解答三.根据句意填入一个恰当的词。
1.The movie [My fourteen birthday] is a romance . It’s surprising.
2.You had better use soap when you wash your hands.
3 Unfortunately I lost my wallet on the bus yesterday.