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英语翻译Through history,man has always wanted to fiy like bird.T

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:03:46
Through history,man has always wanted to fiy like bird.Thepeople of ancient Egypt painted pictures of men and animals having wings.These paintings tell us about Egyptians and the way they lived They are proof that even during that time,man had strong desires to fly.In another ancient land called Assyria,there were stories about men who could fly with the birds.The Assyrians too had a desire to soar through the sky and sail with the wingd.A few hundred years later,storytellers from Baghdad spun tales about magic carpets which could transport handsome princes and beautiful princesses through the air.In ancient Greece,however,there were also stories of men who made attempts to fly.One such person was Daedalus.Hwanted to escapefrom Crete with his son,lcarus.He made two pairs of wings,one for himself and the other for his son.These needed to befastened to the shoulders with wax.Daedalus however,warned his son not to fly too near the sun as the heat would melt the wax on his wings.They succeeded in flying.They managed to fly to Sicily.But lcarus forgot his fazher's advice and flew too high and too near thesun.His wings which were kept together with wax dropped off The heat of zhe sun melted the wax.Poor Icarus frll into the sea and drowned.We now know that such tales of air tr avels were pure fantasy and could never have happened But these tales tell us that people of long ago considered flying as somezhing achivable.The firstsuccessfulflight took place in the present century.Since then,man has produced such a variety of flying machinesfrom jet(which can circle the Earth in amatter of hours)to the engineless hang-glider(which can reallymake a man feel like a bird).man's success at flying has not been limited to the sky alone.He has builtpowerful rockets that have successfully landed on the moon.One day,these rockets will succeed in landing on Mars,a planet that is closest to earth.
贯穿历史,人们总是想成为可以飞翔的小鸟.古代的埃及人画人和动物的图画都有翅膀.这些图画告诉我们埃及人和他们生活的方式.在那段时间,证明了人类有对飞翔很强的愿望.在另一个叫亚述国的地方,那里有关于人可以和鸟一起飞的故事.亚述人对飞上天空以及用翅膀航行的愿望非常强烈.几百年以后,在巴格达说故事的人,编造谎言关于载着英俊王子和美丽公主在天空飞翔魔幻地毯.在古希腊,然而,也有好多关于人类尝试飞翔的故事.这样一个人是代达罗斯.想要与他的儿子伊卡洛斯逃离克里特岛. 他做了两对翅膀,一个人给自己一个给他的儿子.这些需要用蜡与肩膀的绑紧. 然而,代达罗斯警告他的儿子不要飞得靠近太阳的热量将融化的蜡在他的翅膀.他们成功地飞行.他们设法飞到西西里.但伊卡洛斯忘了他父亲的建议,飞太高了,距太阳太近了. 绑在他肩膀上的翅膀的蜡掉被炎热的太阳溶化了.可怜的伊卡洛斯掉进大海淹死了.我们现在知道,童话故事的空气纯净的幻想和旅途中永远也不会发生.但是这些故事告诉我们很久以前的人们认为是有可能飞行.第一个成功的飞行发生在本世纪.从那时起,人类产生了有各式各样的飞行机器从喷气机(可在在几小时之内围绕地球)到无动力悬挂滑翔机(真正的让人像鸟一样飞).人类成功的飞翔不仅仅局限于天空,火箭可以成功的登录一颗最接近地球的星球,火星.