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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 20:33:06
Why Is Gravity in Space Not the Same as Earth?
Every object in the universe pulls on every other object.This is called gravitation,or gravity.But the strength of that pull-- of gravity --depends on two things.
First,it depends on how much matter a body contains.A body (object) that has a lot of matter has a lot of gravitation.A body that has very little matter has very little gravitation.For example,the earth has more matter than the moon,so the earth’s pull or gravitation is stronger than the moon’s.
Secondly,the strength of gravitation depends on the distance between the bodies.It is strong between bodies close together.It is weak between bodies far apart.
Now let’s take a human being on earth.The earth has more matter than the human being,so its gravitation pulls him to the earth.But the earth behaves as if all its matter were at its center.The strength of gravity at any place,therefore,depends on the distance from the earth’s center.
The strength of gravity at the seashore is greater than at the top of a mountain.Now,suppose a human being goes some distance up into the air,away from the earth.The pull of the earth’s gravity will be even weaker.
When people go out into space,they are away from the earth’s gravitational field.There is no pull.They are in a condition of weightlessness.And this is why,in rockets and space capsules,weightless astronauts and objects float about in the air.