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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 03:00:07
Recently in warehouse when receiving often find container has the damage and dirty, and the company also has been charged to our company XiuXiang costs. In order to avoid the unnecessary costs, hope can as far as possible: the new foreign box because the ship company sometimes bad case and not to fix, directly on the container yard, so if not checked it, is likely to mention damaged box. The new box beneath the probability of would likely be small, and also more clean, if only the old case, let the ship issued by the company was in good proof boxes, so that if we port suitcase that a damage, is a ship company to distinguish responsibility proof.
At present has generated XiuXiang fee to the foreign ship factory can hope the company's sales reflect, cancel our XiuXiang fee. Many hundreds of yuan XiuXiang fee we have for themselves, but also has been so that we can't afford. The attachment is the most recent XiuXiang fees invoice, were not charged abroad.
英语翻译很遗憾听到这些,但我心须澄清这一点.这些额外的费用是船公司收取的,而不是我们.至于为什么我们会选择OOCL跟UA 英语翻译我们公司只是负责代收代付的,而这个月的THC费用的确已经涨价了,所以不能下个月才开始收取新价格的费用. 英语翻译餐饮费用和娱乐费用应该分开记账,我们发现这家公司将所有的餐饮费用都记到了娱乐费用的账目中去了.meal and 水表作为自来水公司收取水费的计量工具,向用户收取换表费用合理吗? 英语翻译我们非常抱歉给你们带来的不便,同时我们希望贵司能与船公司协商,取消我们的集装箱的滞期费用,我公司承诺10月20日 英语翻译因为样品的数量大,所以我们要向你收取费用. “能否向船公司申请免除修箱费用?”用英语怎么说? 英语翻译我不止一次要求公司去掉这些收费,可是都无济于事.你跟我们一样也做着出口的生意,你应该非常明白这些费用根本不是我们 怎么调账请问我们公司以前是个代账会计在做账,但她把仓库和场院的费用都记进了厂房,请问怎样把它调回来, 英语翻译“因有时在外,工作上偶尔用到3G无线上网,此部分的费用报销一直不敢向你开口.现申请此费用由公司报销,请批准!”" 英语翻译我要向BMW公司报告,(请帮忙翻译后面引号内容,谢谢)“A公司通知我们以下费用由C公司和他们之间解决,请贵司(B 英语翻译(客人的画到达他们公司,产生了额外的关税费用,只有他们交了关税的费用才能拿到画)亲爱的朋友:我们已经和快递公司联