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翻译 急急!!!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 05:50:58
I was living in New York when my father called. He was working in the city and suggested we meet for dinner. But more pleasing and surprising to me was the way the dinner . For this time he didn‘t spend the whole time giving advice I didn't want. He talked with me.   I walked him to the bus stop. While we were waiting ,he stood against the wall. My father had once been a strong and heavy man. Now I saw how thin and weak he was. He then told me something that surprised me. He said he still felt, inside his head, like a young man, and couldn't believe he'd passed 60.   “You don't know, at your age, how fast time goes,” he said, “If I never really talked with you boys as much as I' d have liked to, it was because there was so little time and so much I had to teach you. I just didn't want you to make all the mistakes I made. I wanted you to save you from some of the troubles I had.”   I wanted to say, “Thank you, Dad, for telling me that.” I knew at last I was a man to my father. We could talk with each other. But I was too excited by the evening to say how I was feeling.   It was the last conversation we ever had.   I was in Florida on a business trip when I called home. Dad had had a stroke (中风) last night, after coming home from work. He'd always said he wanted to work till the day he died. He got his wish. My wish, for another talk with my father, would go unfulfilled.(未完成的)   I now know things I didn’t know when my father was alive. Time does go really fast. There is so much to teach my boy and so little time: I've watched him change from baby to child to boy in less time certainly than I took. I know the temptation (引诱) always to be telling him things, the things he'll need to survive (生存), to be a good person.   But I remembered my father's final lesson.My boy will learn by what I am and what I do far more than by what I tell him.   When Eric, aged eight, says, “Dad, can we talk?” I put down my book and say, “ Sure.” I think for a second he wants my advice about something, but then I remember. He doesn't want advice. He just wants to talk. I knew at last I was a man to my father. 我知道对于父亲来讲,最终我会成为一个男子汉。 He got his wish. 他如愿以偿。 请老师翻译!什么方法都行,只要能读通。谢谢老师!!!!
解题思路: 如下
I was living in New York when my father called. He was working in the city and suggested we meet for dinner. But more pleasing and surprising to me was the way the dinner . For this time he didn‘t spend the whole time giving advice I didn't want. He talked with me.
I walked him to the bus stop. While we were waiting ,he stood against the wall. My father had once been a strong and heavy man. Now I saw how thin and weak he was. He then told me something that surprised me. He said he still felt, inside his head, like a young man, and couldn't believe he'd passed 60.
“You don't know, at your age, how fast time goes,” he said, “If I never really talked with you boys as much as I' d have liked to, it was because there was so little time and so much I had to teach you. I just didn't want you to make all the mistakes I made. I wanted you to save you from some of the troubles I had.”   '“在你这个年龄你不会明白,时间过得多快”他说,“如果我从来不真正地尽可能多地我喜欢跟你们男孩子谈话。是因为我几乎没有时间和那么多的事情我必须教你。我只是不想你犯我所犯的所有的错误。我想要你挽救你从我曾今犯的一些错误。
I wanted to say, “Thank you, Dad, for telling me that.” I knew at last I was a man to my father. We could talk with each other. But I was too excited by the evening to say how I was feeling.
It was the last conversation we ever had.
I was in Florida on a business trip when I called home. Dad had had a stroke (中风) last night, after coming home from work. He'd always said he wanted to work till the day he died. He got his wish. My wish, for another talk with my father, would go unfulfilled.(未完成的)
I now know things I didn’t know when my father was alive. Time does go really fast. There is so much to teach my boy and so little time: I've watched him change from baby to child to boy in less time certainly than I took. I know the temptation (引诱) always to be telling him things, the things he'll need to survive (生存), to be a good person
But I remembered my father's final lesson.My boy will learn by what I am and what I do far more than by what I tell him.
When Eric, aged eight, says, “Dad, can we talk?” I put down my book and say, “ Sure.” I think for a second he wants my advice about something, but then I remember. He doesn't want advice. He just wants to talk.
I knew at last I was a man to my father.
He got his wish. 他如愿以偿。