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英语翻译How are you doing.I hope everything is lucky for you.Rec

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:44:30
How are you doing.I hope everything is lucky for you.
Recently I have met LK die casting machine maker's important person in Shenzhen where is LK main office and developing center.I have mentioned about your company is going to produce vacume automobile construction parts for high quality auto,and I have mentioned that you are interesting about LK diecasting machine.LK are very interesting about your project.But I said LK diecasting machine need to improve injection syster to mactch your vacume systerm,LK said they want to pay more attention even to orgenize a group to match your project.
Now they want to invint you to go to Shenzhen to visit their plant and developing center or they want you to date a time and LK group to visit you in Jinan,how about your idear?Please answer me and maybe I will with them together to talk you.
近来我与LK 压铸机制造商在深圳的主公司兼LK 研发中心的责任人会面了.我向他们提到了你的公司即将出产适配高性能汽车的真空自动化的结构部件,也提及了你对LK 公司生产的压铸机颇有兴趣.LK公司同样对你的项目计划非常感冒.但是我向LK直言不讳地提出了建议,希望他们改进机器注射系统方可与你们制造的真空系统相匹配.LK 公司方表示他们会重视此事,必要时组织一组专门人员进行研发以适应你们的项目要求.
现在LK 公司想邀请你前往深圳参观他们的厂址及研发中心,或者你找他们约定一个时间让他们去济南拜访你也行.你意下如何呢?请回复我,或许我会跟他们一起来与你商谈合作事宜.