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英语翻译1.我站在中国的长城上与你交谈呢.(stand,the Great Wall,talk to) 2.上海有多少人

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 03:33:06
1.我站在中国的长城上与你交谈呢.(stand,the Great Wall,talk to) 2.上海有多少人口?(population) 3.谢谢你给我的明信片.(thank sb for sth) 4.他们将要拍许多照片.(take photos) 5.小王和父母亲一起在准备春节.(with,get ready for ) 6.伦敦有七百万人口.(million) 7.伦敦有约两千年的历史.(old) 8.上个周末你做什么了?(last weekend) 9.我们班的男孩都擅长打篮球.(be good at) 10.杨利伟在1965年出生于辽宁省.(be born) 11.北京以长城而闻名.(be famous for) 12.这三个男孩中,大明个子最高.(tall,of) 13.在我们班里,大明年龄最小.(young,in) 14.我妹妹的英语学得比我好.(do well in,than) 15.上海有比香港更多的人口.(than) 16.明天下午将要有大风和大雨.(there be,heavy,strong) 17.我们都在盼望看到成龙大哥.(look forward to) 18.明天上午我女儿上钢琴课.(have a piano lesson) 19.今天晚上我打算复习英语的测验.(revise for) 20.那儿有许多乘客,在等公交车.(there be,wait for)
I am standing at Great Wall to talk with you What is the population in Shanghai Thank you for your postcard He will take many photos Mr wang has got ready for celebrating Spring Festival with his family The popelation of London is 700 millions London has a 2000 years old History What did you do last week All boys in my class are good at basketball Yang liwei was born in Liaoning in 1965 Beijing is famous for the Great Wall Daming is the tallest of all Daming is the youngest of all My sister learn better than me Shanghai has more population that Hongkong There will be heavy wind and strong storm tomorrow afternoon We all are looking forward to Chenglong My daughter will have a piano lesson tomorrow morning I will revise for quiz of English tonight Look There so many passengers are waiting for bus