作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/14 00:50:11
如果顾客有需求,或是进门时询问:"what can i do for you "/can i help you?/need some help?都可以,然后顾客愿意自己看看那就"just call me if you need any help"--有需要随时叫我.
询问尺寸大小"what's your size?/你喜欢哪件?which one would you prefer " 哪个颜色which color would you like 什么款式what kind of style you want?给谁买的for whom?什么材质what kind of material
然后建议:"just try on if you'd like.随意试穿.
试衣间位置:the dressing room is over there,just follow me试衣间在那,请随我来../the dressing is on the left 左/right右 /in the end尽头 /at the corner角落..
对客人衣服上身的赞美:"you look nice 很棒/beatiful漂亮/handsome帅气/cute可爱/fantastic太神奇了/--this cloth is just made for you .这衣服是为你量身定做的./it suits you perfectly这件很搭,和适合你.
接下来就是价格啦:可议价情况:"sir,/miss we will give you a discont on your second buying ,第二次打折/i can give you a discont if you buy more--多买有优惠.
不可议价:"sorry,the price is already low enough,we have no profit.我们已经是最低价了,没利润了/the price is not negotiable--不议价
客人走--thanks for your purchase谢谢惠顾/hope to see you next time/soon期待下次光临.
这是您的衣服及找零---here are your clothes and charge .