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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 19:48:18
[ 红色是正确答案,绿色是我认为的答案,请问为什么我的不正确? ]
1. It was Bird flu ____ killed ____ eight-year-old girl in April, 2006.
A. which; the [color=cc0000]B. that; an [/color] C. which; an [color=009900]D. that; the[/color] .
30. Why did you use my cell phone ____ you had your own one? To save your money?
[color=009900]A. as [/color]B. where C. while [color=cc0000]D. when[/color] .
37. Paley, look at your paper. Why have you a second time made the same mistake _____ you did it a month ago?
A. in which [color=009900]B. that [/color][color=cc0000]C. where [/color]D. when .
46. Tomorrow he will participate in a job interview ____the interviewer is likely to ask some difficult questions.
A. that [color=009900]B. when [/color]C. whom [color=cc0000]D. where[/color] .
53. After three days’ waiting, there was a little doubt in the mother’s mind ____ the police could find her lost child.
A. how [color=009900]B. that [/color]C. where [color=cc0000]D. whether[/color] .
54. “Sustainable development” is a question ____ we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment.
[color=009900]A. whether [/color]B. when C. that [color=cc0000]D. how[/color] .
61. Errors, if ____, should be corrected.
A. necessary [color=009900]B. possible [/color][color=cc0000]C. any [/color]D. important .
84. In that company only Allan ____ objections in the meeting
[color=009900]A. dare to raise [/color]B. dares raise [color=cc0000]C. dared raise [/color]D. dare not to raise .
105. ---Would you like to travel this summer?
---_____. But if I’m admitted to a key university, certainly I will.
A. I couldn’t agree more [color=cc0000]B. That all depends [/color]C. With pleasure [color=009900]D. I have no idea[/color] .
107. My pleasure, sir. ____ person could do that way; I just did the same.
A. Any B. Every [color=cc0000]C. Any other [/color][color=009900]D. Every other[/color] .
108. He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just _____ way.
A. another B. other [color=cc0000]C. the other [/color]D. some other .
110. You can not teach a man ____; you can only help him find it within himself.
[color=009900]A. everything [/color][color=cc0000]B. anything [/color]C. something D. nothing .
111. Some of the information came from the internet, how about _____?
[color=009900]A. the others [/color]B. another [color=cc0000]C. the rest [/color]D. others .
112. I’d like to enjoy my spare time by reading ____ newspaper or listening to ____ music.
A. a; the [color=009900]B. /; / [/color][color=cc0000]C. a; / [/color]D. /; the .
113. Jessica, ____ wife of the famous actor became ____ chairman of the community.
[color=009900]A. the; / [/color]B. /; the [color=cc0000]C. /; / [/color]D. the; the .
[ 红色是正确答案,绿色是我认为的答案,请问为什么我的不正确? ]