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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:25:35
when complex plants are produced by cloning,which process is most directly involved?(1) mitotic cell division(2)meiotic cell division(3) gamete production(4)sperm cell fertilization
12: if a lobster loses a claw, it is capable of growing a new one.what process makes this possible?(1)meiosis (2)fertilization(3)sexual reproduction(4)mitosis
13: organisms that reproduce asexually usually do so by a form of cell division called (1)meiosis(2) mitosis (3)gamete formation (4)sperm formation
14 a normal boby cell of a fruit fly contains eight chromosomes.each normal gamete of this oganism contains(1)four chromosomes as a result of meiosis(2)four chromosomes as a result of mitosis(3)eight chromosomes as a result of meiosis(4)eight chromosomes as a result of mitosis
15 theprocess of mitotic cell division normally results in the production of(1)four cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent(2)two cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent (3) two cell with a replicated set of matched chromosomes
16 each of the two daughter (or offspring ) cells that result from the normal mitotic division of the original parent cell contains (1) the same unmber of chromosomes but different genes than the parent cell(2)the same number of chromosomes and genes identical to those of the parent cell (3)one half of the number of chromosomes but different genes than those of chromosomes but different genes than those of the parent cell (4) one half of the number of chromosomes and genesidentical to those of the parent cell
17 the following diagrams represent the sequence of events in a cell undergoing normal meiotic cell division.
how many cells will finally be produced?
how many chromosomes will be in each cell?
sketch one of the final cells,showing its chromosomes.
18 the species chromosome number of orangutans is 48.which diagram represents normal fertilization in orangutans?
19 which process is represented in the follwing photographs?
(1)mitotic cell division (2) zygote formation (3) fertilization (4) aging
20.all types of asexual reproduction involve the process known as (1) mitosis (2) fertilization(3) meiotic division (4) aging
21 if the sperm cells of a fish have 12 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be found in the cells forming the scales of the fish?
当合成物植物被复制生产的时候,程序是最直接积极参与?(1) 有丝分裂的细胞区分 (2) 12:如果一只龙虾失去一个爪,它能够增加一个新的 one.what 程序使这可能?(1) meiosis(2) 施肥 (3) 性的再现 (4) 有丝分裂
13:生物重制藉着细胞被称 meiosis(2) 为有丝分裂 (3) 配偶子形成 (4) 精液形成的区分一种形式无性地通常这么做
14 常态一只果蝇的 boby 细胞包含这 oganism 的配偶子有丝分裂的结果 meiosis(4) 八个染色体的结果有丝分裂 (3) 八个染色体的结果 meiosis(2) 四个染色体的结果包含 (1) 四个染色体的八 chromosomes.each 常态
有丝分裂的细胞区分的 15 theprocess 和相配的染色体的被折叠的组合正常地用如有染色体的相同数字的父母 (2) 二个细胞的染色体的一半数字造成四个细胞的制造如父母 (3) 二个细胞
16个每一个二个女儿 ( 或子孙 ) 起因于最初的父母细胞的正常有丝分裂的区分细胞除了不同的基因之外包含 (1) 染色体的相同 unmber 胜于父母细胞 (2) 染色体和基因的相同数字对那父母细胞的那些染色体和 genesidentical 除了不同的基因之外除了不同的基因之外染色体与那父母细胞 (3) 的那些相同一半的数字胜于染色体的胜于那父母细胞 (4) 的那些一半的数字
17个下列各项图表表现一个细胞的事件序列遭受正常的 meiotic 细胞区分.
18个猩猩的种染色体数字是 48.图表表现猩猩的正常施肥哪一?
19 程序在 follwing 相片中被表现哪一?
(1) 有丝分裂的细胞区分 (2) 接合子形成 (3) 施肥 (4) 老化
20.所有的类型无性的再现包括即是有丝分裂 (2) 施肥 (3) meiotic 区分 (4) 老化的程序
21 如果鱼的精液细胞已经 12个染色体,染色体会在细胞中被发现形成鱼的刻度多少?
细胞区分 (3) 配偶子制造 (4) 精液细胞施肥
12:如果一只龙虾失去一个爪,它能够增加一个新的 .是程序使这可能?(1) (2) 施肥 (3) 性的再现 (4) 有丝分裂
13:生物重制藉着细胞被称 meiosis(2) 为有丝分裂 (3) 配偶子形成 (4) 精液形成的区分一种形式无性地通常这么做
14 常态一只果蝇的 boby 细胞包含这 oganism 的配偶子有丝分裂的结果 meiosis(4) 八个染色体的结果有丝分裂 (3) 八个染色体的结果 meiosis(2) 四个染色体的结果包含 (1) 四个染色体的八 chromosomes.each 常态
有丝分裂的细胞区分的 15 theprocess 和相配的染色体的被折叠的组合正常地用如有染色体的相同数字的父母 (2) 二个细胞的染色体的一半数字造成四个细胞的制造如父母 (3) 二个细胞
16个每一个二个女儿 ( 或子孙 ) 起因于最初的父母细胞的正常有丝分裂的区分细胞除了不同的基因之外包含 (1) 染色体的相同 unmber 胜于父母细胞 (2) 染色体和基因的相同数字对那父母细胞的那些染色体和 genesidentical 除了不同的基因之外除了不同的基因之外染色体与那父母细胞 (3) 的那些相同一半的数字胜于染色体的胜于那父母细胞 (4) 的那些一半的数字
17个下列各项图表表现一个细胞的事件序列遭受正常的 meiotic 细胞区分.
18个猩猩的种染色体数字是 48.图表表现猩猩的正常施肥哪一?
19 程序在 follwing 相片中被表现哪一?
(1) 有丝分裂的细胞区分 (2) 接合子形成 (3) 施肥 (4) 老化
20.所有的类型无性的再现包括即是有丝分裂 (2) 施肥 (3) meiotic 区分 (4) 老化的程序
21 如果鱼的精液细胞已经 12个染色体,染色体会在细胞中被发现形成鱼的刻度多少?