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将下列句子变成被动语态:1、He often makes me run on the play ground.2.Mr

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 10:51:58
将下列句子变成被动语态:1、He often makes me run on the play ground.2.Mr Wang made his students clean the windows yesterday.3.They have made the girl cry many times.4.Mike will make his friends go home early.5.I am helping them finish there takes now.6.We must obey taffic rules together.7.I have already bought her lots of gifts.8.people should give up Smoking in public.9.We use knives to cut things.10.She hasn't read this interesting novel yet.
前几句注意make 的句型为make sb.do sth ,只有在被动语态中才可以用 make sb.to do sth.
1,I am often made to run on the playground.
2,Mr.Wang's students were made to clean the window by him yesterday.
3,The girl has been made to cry many times by them.
4,Mike's friends will be made to go home early by him.
5,They are being helped to finish their tasks now.(你打错字了吧?)
6,The taffic rules must be obeyed by us together.
7,Lots of gifts have already bought to her by me.(直接宾语被动语态)
She has been bought lots of gifts by me.(间接宾语被动语态)
8,Smoking should be given up by people in public.
9,Knives are used to cut things by us.
10,This interesting novel hasn't been read by her yet.
再问: LZ都写好了,发了了