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英文—完行填空“People today are less polite than they used to be,”

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 02:07:12
“People today are less polite than they used to be,” said Dr. Andrew St. George Oxford University in his book The Descent(下降)of Manners. “ For example, people these days eat while they are walking down the street. They kiss with a hug (46) . They push onto buses and trains. Men don’t open doors for women any more or (47) a woman their seat on a crowded train.” We went out onto the streets to (48) what people think about his ideas. Here is something that we heard.
Life is certainly more informal these days, but I wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing. When I first started work, I had to wear (49) , but these day we all wear casual(休闲的)clothes. And everybody was called Mr This and Mr That, but today it’s all first names. In our office, everybody (50) calls the manager “Bob”. It was (51) when I was younger, but I think it’s better now. It’s more friendly, more relaxing.
Things are different nowadays. (52) has become much faster and people don’t have time for the more formal manners. I know people eat in the street, but I wouldn’t say there’s
(53) with that. It’s just easier and faster like that.
Things have certainly changed, but it isn’t bad manners. Why should I give up my seat
(54) a woman can sit down? If women want equality(平等)in jobs and things like that, they can not (55) special treatment for other things, can they? I think equality cuts both ways.
46. A. at home B. in public C. after work D. during festivals
47. A. make B. leave C. offer D. keep
48. A. make sure B. discover C. interview D. find out
49. A. a hat and a T-shirt B. a suit and a tie
C. a jacket and slippers D. a pair of glasses and stockings
50. A. even B. ever C. still D. once
51. A. ordinary B. impossible C. natural D. unimportant
52. A. Change B. Time C. Work D. Life
53. A. anything wrong B. nothing serious C. anything different D. nothing else
54. A. soon after B. as soon as C. even though D. so that
55. A. find B. ask for C. need D. worry about