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英语翻译There is a negro rape a white women.原告是镇上mostly unemploy

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 22:45:04
There is a negro rape a white women.原告是镇上mostly unemployed member of Maycomb’s poorest family Bob Ewell's daughter Mayella Ewell.BOB声称昨天下午回家的时候在窗外看见The black field hand,Tom Robinson RAPE HIS DAUGHTER.但是Tom 看见他回来就马上跑走了.根据mayella自己说当时他邀请tom帮她的忙 怎么知道当tom一进屋里就想rape she 当他想反抗tom还打了她 而tom现在已经被抓铺归案了.他的案件也将在这个星期之内审理 而法院请最具有morality and justice的律师 atticus 来做他的辩护律师 不过我们相信不管怎么样黑人都将是会被判决的 因为tom 已经严重的侮辱了white people.这是不可能被原谅的.
The case is a negro rape a white women. The accuser who is mostly unemployed member of Maycomb's poorest family Bob Ewell's daughter Mayella Ewell. Bob purport that he saw the black field hand, Tom Robinson rape his daughter at outside of window yesterday afternoon. But Tom ran away quickly when he saw Bob came back. According Mayella'recite, she request Tom does her a favorite, but after he enter the house and wants rape her. She againsts Tom but he hits her, and now Tom was catched. Tom' case will be inquisition this week, and Atticus who is most morality and justice lawyer will be Tom'counsel. However, we believe the negro going be stay at jail because Tom insult white people grisliness. It can't be excusal.