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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 01:14:52
刚到这的时候我感觉这的一切都是新鲜的,新的城市,新的学校,会认识新的朋友,开始新的生活,一切都是新的,让我感到特别兴奋,开始的一周里,并没有太多的不适应,每天和新同学一起上课,有时会结伴一起出去逛一逛,吃个饭,总之第一周很快就过去,而且是愉快的一周. Everthing here is new for me at the moment of my arriving, a new city, new school, new friends and a complete new life, all of these really makes me excited. During the first week starting life here, I quickly fit in, I had class with new classmates, went out and ate together with them, in short, it passed very soon, and really pleasant.