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心死,无名殇 作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 17:08:46
心死,无名殇 作文
前面是英语,后面是翻译,确实是小说,别喷我XXX然后这是我一叔的灵感,然后弄个双语是我姐的意思,说的是搞点新意,《别打我- -!》" Kill him, kill him, kill the devil" world hero surrounded him, sword up shouting. Quiet night, the noise.The crowd, a covered with scars of juvenile chilly looking at all, suddenly wanton laugh, laugh chilling.He called the ring, ring ring, for three years he commit innumerable murders, was cut off in countless heroes inhabited, and his hand, he likes this kind of feeling, hands up, the knife to fall, the people. Some people like to use wine to anaesthetize themselves, and he, like killing their own anesthesia." No, you're in for it today." a middle-aged man out of the crowd, resentment at him, spoke middle-aged knife with clenched, Lord ring names already win support among the people.How? Luo Da champion, are you scared? The fear of death is not to come, let the nameless asked Leng Sheng."Well, now the World Heroes gathered here, only to take your life, so you still dare to talk a lot of nonsense." Luo non rapid extraction waist knife, are changed to ring off, quickly let person sip tongue, it is worthy of a martial arts champion, now the best in all the land.Now that you have a death wish, that I first today with your offering my monthly mount, three days he had not tasted blood! " Kill, only heard the sound of a loud roar, the generation of Kennedy, a tall figure turned slowly collapsed, once dominated the martial arts he, died in it.He, only.Look, not to die, in a crowd a commotion." Luo leader, was a knife to kill him, too, everyone together, confining him to death" suddenly someone shouted.Dead of night, static, the reservoir on the land lying Yunshan, issued from time to time bursts of screaming, nameless binocular red, like a collateral, the place visited, people have continued to fall. The reservoir has become a hell on earth cloud at.The ring, you will kill many people? When a woman out of the crowd, tightly hold the ring with blood." You've finally came to see me. " the nameless wan smile at the woman in white slowly way.Put the knife down, not to kill, you and I go? Two lines of tears slowly from the woman in white beautiful face.The ring startled, finger was loosened, on Mount sent waves of" honk, honk" sound, seem to shout, seem to be unwilling, and seemed to remind his master.Suddenly, a cold knife to stab the heart ring, ring to open the arms that he wanted the people, laughing, did not think this is the end. I beat everybody, but lost in your hand.Don't blame me, you shouldn't have. In fact, as early as three years ago I was his wife, you killed my husband, the woman in white pointed down at the side of the road, non.A line of blood and tears slowly from the ring 's eyes, she is not what she was three years ago.Changed, changed, ha ha!!!翻译:“杀了他,杀了他,杀了这个魔头”天下英雄把他团团围住,举刀高呼。原本宁静的夜,此时喧闹无比。人群中间,一名满身伤痕的少年冷冷的看着众人,忽地放肆的笑了起来,笑的让人心寒。他叫无名,无名的无名,三年来他杀人如麻,所到之处人烟断绝,无数江湖英豪葬于他之手,他喜欢这种感觉,手起,刀落,人亡。有人喜欢用酒来麻醉自己,而他,喜欢用杀人来麻醉自己。“无名,今天就是你的死期”一位中年人走出人群愤恨的看着他,说话时中年人手里的刀不由的握紧了些,魔头无名的威名早已深入人心。怎么?罗大盟主,你是在害怕吗?怕死就不要来,让无名冷声问道。“哼,如今天下英豪聚集在此,只为取你一命,你竟然还敢如此大放厥词。”罗非飞速抽出腰间的刀,身形一换便向无名砍去,速度之快让人咂舌,果然不愧为武林盟主,当今天下第一人。既然你找死,那我今天就先拿你祭我的月芒吧,他已经三天没尝过血了!“杀,只听见一声震天狂吼,一代英豪罗非高大的身形便慢慢的倒了下去,曾经雄霸武林的他,命丧于此。他,只用了一招。看着罗非的死去,人群中发生了一阵骚乱。“罗盟主,竟然被他一刀杀死了,太可怕了,大家一起上,围死他”突然有人高呼。夜,死寂般的静,此时的藏云山上遍地横尸,不时发出一阵阵惨叫,无名双目通红,仿若杀神般,所过之处,不断有人倒下。整个藏云山此时已经成了人间地狱。无名,你到底还要再杀多少人?此时一名白衣女子挤出人群,紧紧的拥住了无名沾满鲜血的身躯。“你终于肯来见我了”无名惨淡一笑看着那名白衣女子缓缓道。放下刀,别在杀人了,我和你走好吗?两行泪珠缓缓的从白衣女子绝美的脸庞滑过。无名一怔,手指不禁松了松,月芒发出一阵阵“吭,吭”的响声,似乎在呐喊,似乎在不甘,又似乎在提醒他的主人。忽地,一把冰冷的匕首刺进了无名的心脏处,无名奋力的推开了怀中的那个他日思夜想的人儿,哈哈大笑起来,没想到这就是结局。我战胜全天下人,却输在了你手上。不要怪我,你不该有情的。其实早在三年前我就是他的妻子了,你杀了我丈夫,白衣女子指了指倒在一旁的罗非道。一行血泪缓缓的从无名的眼里流出,她不在是三年前的她了。变了,都变了,哈哈!!!题外话:好吧,我承认我是有点无聊,没事弄上双语…不过现在确实感觉有点无聊了,哈欠~(谁?谁?谁骂我?!)我睡咯~拜~亲们