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英语翻译When the dead of night,when suddenly reminded of her ...

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 23:58:34
When the dead of night,when suddenly reminded of her ...I think this song is right for me.Recently,I feel I am far away from her,or a more realistic way.At first,I should know this is so,we have so far separated,character and distinct differences ..too much,I know,I know,even if she liked me,we can not.Because we belong to two different world,she is only child,suffered as a result of doting parents,she is doomed to the fate of the princess,and I,but with him just a knight.Or I forget her,so it is very painful life.How silly of me,care about her笨到
All information on turning a blind eye to a good friend,and she has to watch tens of millions of times.I should know who is good,I,is a fool.I can do,to forget her,understand?I know,but the fact is always hidden in my heart,i love you HZZ.
当夜天夜里,何时她突然提醒我...我认为这一首歌对我是正确的最近,我我是远的远离她,或一个较现实的方法.起先,我应该这是如此,我们到现在为止已经分开,个性和清楚的不同 ..太多,我,我,即使她喜欢我,我们不能.因为我们属于二个不同的世界,她是唯一的孩子,沈溺于爱的父母结果遭受,她对公主的命运被命中注定,和我,但是由于他只是一个骑士.或我她,因此,它是非常痛苦的生活.我 ,关心多么的愚蠢有关她的笨到事.
将一个盲目的眼睛转向一位好朋友的关于所有的资讯,和她必须看数千万时代.我应该很好,我,是愚人.我能做,她,我,但是事实总是在我的心中被藏着,i 爱你 HZZ