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英语翻译Have you read any books by Jules Verne,the French author

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 04:26:26
Have you read any books by Jules Verne,the French author?He was a man who dreamed about fantastic journeys.In 1865 he wrote a book about a journey to the moon.The spaceship he created was very comfortable.The passengers,tro Americans and one Frenchman,kept chickens in teh ship for food!They slept on good beds and cooked their meals on a gas stove.They reached the moon 97 hours,13 minutes,and 20 seconds after they had left the earth.Verne's books are called science fiction.In his time,people felt Verne's stories were impossible dreams.But one hundred years later,men were walking on teh moon!
你读过那个法国作家jules verne写的书吗?(凡尔纳,你听说过吧)他是一个幻想着奇特的旅行的人.在1865年他写了一本关于登月的书.他想象出来的那个飞船非常舒适.乘客中有两个美国人和一个法国人,他们甚至在飞船里养鸡吃!他们在舒适的床上睡觉,在煤气炉上烹调他们的一日三餐.在离开地球97个小时13分20秒后他们到达了月球.凡尔纳的作品被称作科幻小说.在他生活的年代里,人们觉得凡尔纳的故事是不可能实现的梦想.但是一百年以后,人们真的可以在月球上行走了!