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英语翻译Nora could think of nothing to say as she watched her da

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 00:16:22
Nora could think of nothing to say as she watched her daughter disappear.They turned and fell in with the foot traffic,one long crowded march down the concourse,past the Santa Claus with the irksome bell,past the tiny shops packed with people.
It was raining when they left the terminal and found the line for the shuttle back to the satellite,and it was pouring when the shuttle sloshed its way through the lot and dropped them off,two hundred yards from their car.It cost Luther $7.00 to free himself and his car from the greed of the airport authority.
When they were moving toward the city,Nora finally spoke."Will she be okay?" she asked.He had heard that question so often that his response was an automatic grunt.
"Do you really think so?"
"Sure." Whether he did or he didn't,what did it matter at this point?She was gone; they couldn't stop her.
He gripped the wheel with both hands and silently cursed the traffic slowing in front of him.He couldn't tell if his wife was crying or not.Luther wanted only to get Home and dry off,sit by the fire,and read a magazine.
He was within two miles of Home when she announced,"I need a few things from the grocery."
"It's raining," he said.
"I still need them."
"Can't it wait?"
"You can stay in the car.Just take a minute.Go to Chip's.It's open today."
正在下雨的时候,他们离开了码头,发现该线为航天飞机返回卫星,它是浇筑时,穿梭sloshed其方式是通过该地段,并减少它们赶走, 200码从他们的车.它的成本路德$ 7.00释放自己和他的车从贪婪的机场管理局.
当他们走向城市,娜拉最后讲了话. "她会不会被行不行? "她问.他听闻这个问题,所以很多时候,他的反应是一个自动发出咕哝声.
"肯定" .
"你真的这么认为吗? "
"肯定" .无论他或他并没有什么事,它在这一点呢?她走了,他们无法阻止她.
他是在两英里的主页时,她宣布, "我需要几件事,从杂货店" .
"下雨天的, "他说.
"我还需要他们" .
"不能说,它等待" ?
"你可以留在车内.只需一分钟到芯片的,它的今天拉开帷幕. "