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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:18:46
A:People put in a unique field of study called experts.
乙:那是,韩愈说得好:“术业有专攻”.B:That is,Han Yu's right when he said:"surgery industry to specialize."
甲:其实我也是专家.A:Actually,I was an expert.
乙:那您是哪方面的专家?B:That you are an expert on what?
甲:我是研究砖的.A:I study the bricks.
乙:研究砖?B:The Brick?
甲:按砖的用料,可分为土砖、瓷砖、水泥砖、矿渣砖;按颜色,可分为青砖、红砖;按用途,可分为地板砖、行道砖、墙面砖;按结构可分为实心砖、空心砖;按形状,可分为方砖、异型砖;用来打门的叫敲门砖…… A:According to tile materials can be divided into adobe bricks,tiles,cement,brick,slag,brick; by color,can be divided into brick,red brick; according to use,can be divided into floor tile,a pavement brick,wall tiles; according to the structure can be divided into solid brick,hollow brick; according to shape,can be divided into squares are,shaped tiles; used to shoot at the door called stepping-stone ......