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Mr.Whitson taught six grade science.On the first day of clas

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 10:24:49
Mr.Whitson taught six grade science.On the first day of class,he gave us a 1 about a creature called the cattywampus,a kind of animal that had died out during the Ice Age.He 2 around a skull (头盖骨) as he talked.We all took 3 and later had a test.
When he returned my paper,I was 4 .There was a big red X through 5 of my answers.I had failed!There had to be some 6 I had written down 7 what Mr.Whitson said.Then I 8 that everyone in the class had 9 .What had happened?
Very simple,Mr.Whitson 10 .He had made up all that stuff (无中生有的东西) cattywampus.11 had never been any such animal.The information in our notes was,12 incorrect.Did we 13 our marks for incorrect answers?
Needless to say (不用说),we were very 14 .
What kind of 15 was this?And what kind of teacher?
Mr.Whitson said he hoped we would learn something form this 16 .Teachers and textbooks are not 17 .18 no one is.He told us not to 19 our minds go to sleep,and to speak out 20 we ever thought he or the textbook was wrong.
Every class was an exciting one 21 Mr.Whitson.I can remember some science periods 22 from beginning to end.
I haven’t made any great scientific 23 ,but Mr.Whitson’s class gave me and my classmates something 24 ,like the courage to look people in the 25 and tell them they are wrong.He also showed us that you have fun doing it.
1.A.magazine B.book C.story D.lecture
2.A.walked B.grasped C.passed D.looked
3.A.notes B.exercises C.attentions D.cares
4.A.excited B.inspired C.worried D.surprised
5.A.one B.each C.most D.some
6.A.story B.reason C.mistake D.cause
7.A.exactly B.immediately C.quickly D.quietly
8.A.guessed B.learned C.thought D .understood
9.A.passed B.failed C.succeeded D.left
10.A.announced B.said C.proved D.explained
11.A.It B.There C.This D.That
12.A.however B.otherwise C.therefore D.unfortunately
13.A.get B.expect C.make D.take
14.A.angry B.disappointed C.sad D.satisfied
15.A.test B.animal C.work D.mistake
16.A.mistake B.experience C.story D.test
17.A.correct B.honest C.perfect D.kind
18.A.After all B.In fact C.On the contrary D.At the same time
19.A.let B.make C.help D.have
20.A.that B.whether C.while D.if
21.A.with B.about C.of D.for
22.A.only B.hardly C.almost D.just
23.A.experiments B.discoveries C.researches D.subjects
24.A.strange B.important C.interesting D.serious
25.A.head B.brain C.eye D.hand
1-5 DCADB 6-10 CABBD 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 BCBAD 21-25 ACBBC
1.D 给我们上了一课关于.
2.C pass around 分,分发,传送 意思是他边说边将头盖骨展示给同学们看
3.A 固定搭配 take notes 作笔记 B的话应该是 do exercises
4.D 结合下文,练习本上打了很多X,所以应该选surprised 感到惊讶的 A兴奋,B 得到灵感的,有灵感的 C 担心 焦急
5.B 每个都错了,所以才感到惊讶,还说了句我失败了
6.C mistake 错误 作者认为肯定是弄错了,他完全是按照老师说的写的,不可能会全错
7.A exactly 正确地,严密地(解释见上句) immediately 立即,马上,直接地 quickly 很快的 quietly 平静地,静静地,寂静地
8.B learned 意识到,认识到,学会 意思是这时,我才意识到所有的同学都错了,都失败了
A 猜想 C想,认为 D明白,懂 (这时作者只是看到同学们都错了,可是并不明白为什么会全部错,所以不选D)
9.B 结合上下文 不难选出是B 不成功,失败了
10.D 说明 announced 宣布,通告 proved被证实
12.C 老师将的这种动物是不存在的,因此我们所做的笔记也就不正确了
however 的用法是前后句子用逗号隔开(这是老师教我们的土方法,大部分是这样的),otherwise 否则 unfortunately 不幸的
13.B 希望,期望
14.A 感觉被老师耍了一样,当然是很生气 disappointed失望,sad伤心 satisfied
15.A 由第一段最后一句 later had a test可以知道这里应该选test
16.B 老师希望我们从这次的体验中能吸取教训 experience经验,体验
17.C perfect完美的,全然的,理想的,正确的,熟练的 A的答案不是非常确切
18.B In fact 事实上 这句话的意思是,老师和课本并不出完美的,事实上人无完人.After all 毕竟 On the contrary 相反(这里并没有相反之意) At the same time 同时
19.A let sb do sth,让某人做某事 let sth do 使某事被做 这句话意思是不要让我们的大脑沉睡着 make 后面直接加sth 其它两个不合适
20.D 不要让我们的大脑沉睡着,如果认为他或者课本有错的话要说出来 选if 如果,假如 whether是否,不管,不论
21.A 意思是有Mr.Whitson在的教室总是令人兴奋,使人激动的
22.C almost 几乎,差不多
23.B 我从没做过任何科学的重大发现 discoveries 发现,发明的东西 researches 调查,研究 subjects 科目,学科,主题
24.B strange 陌生的,生疏的,前所未知的,奇怪的,奇异的,不惯的 serious 严肃的,认真的,严重的
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