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4.The reason the little actress has been such a success is s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 22:05:35
4.The reason the little actress has been such a success is she is both clever and hard-working.
A.why,why B.why,that C.that,because D.for,because
4.The reason ______ the little actress has been such a success is ______ she is both clever and hard-working.
A.why,why B.why,that C.that,because D.for,because
这题的记法就是:the reason why ...is that ...
why 从句是个定语从句,从句中,the little actress has been such a success 不缺主语也不缺宾语,而是缺个状语,解释“因为什么”的,而关系副词why=for which =for the reason,因为这个原因
但是由于在汉语口语中,这么说的人很多,很顺口:她成功的原因是因为.,而许多中学老师,尤其是中国的老师问认为the reason .is because .是一不好的英语,所以这个题目就特别受老师门的欢迎,乐些不疲,以考倒学生为乐.英英Longman词典上说到:Somep people think a sentene such as "The reaso for my absence was beause I was ill" is bad English.It maybe better to say:The reason for my absence was that I was ill.后一空不用because并不因为它是连词,不能引导名词性从句,其实它是可以引导名词性从句的,我们常可见到:That's because ...这样的句子 (那是因为.).
当然可能还要指出,the reason 后不跟同位语从句,用that以为是同位语从句也是很牵强的.由于这两个原因,所以这题答案,当然是最佳案,无疑只能是B了.