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英语翻译do you often eat out with your family or friends?Nowaday

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 11:38:39
do you often eat out with your family or friends?Nowadays,we have more chances to eat out.For example,if a person wants to celebrate his biethday he may intive his friends to eat out .In modern society eating out has become a special way of life For people who want to keep fit,just a few of these suggestions and they can help you a lotBegin with a starter Then order another The starter will help you to get fewer caloriesDon't eat out with an empty stomach Have some fruit before you go there so you're not hungry when you get there.If you feel hungry,you may eat too much.The doggy bag is your friend.Don't believe yourself and you need to box up half of your meal.Order the food you don't like .You can choose the food others like but you don't like .It may stop you from eating too much .But few people do that .They usually order their favorite food when they eat out
你经常出去吃和你的家人或朋友吗?如今,我们有更多的机会上馆子吃饭.例如,如果一个人想庆祝他的biethday他可能intive他的朋友出去吃饭外面吃饭.现代社会中形成了特殊的生活方式对于那些想保持健康,只有几个这些建议,他们可以给你很大帮助开始于一个先发然后再叫一发令员将帮助你获得较少的热量不要出去吃饿着肚子吃水果在你走之前,有那么你不饥饿,当你到达那里.如果你觉得饿了,你可以吃得太多.那些食物打包袋是你的朋友.不要相信你自己,你需要箱子的一半的一餐.点菜你不喜欢,你可以选择食物别人喜欢,但你不喜欢,阻止你吃得太多,但很少有人这样做,他们通常会要求他们最爱的食物当他们出去吃觉得 给点分谢谢!