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Movie Review
The Rough Riders (1927)
March 16,1927
The Spanish-,imericnn War.
Published:March 16,1927
Taking the audience back to the Spanish-American War,with the costumes of that day,the popular bits of music and the peculiar methods of warfare,"The Rough Riders," a picture largely concerned with the deeds of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's heterogeneous band of fighters,was presented last night at the George M.Cohan Theatre.It is a production that is filled with excellent fun during the first half; the latter part is delivered over to sentiment and heroics,which through the competent performances by the principals struck home to the spectators.
The romance in this film is quite plausible,but the efforts to elicit tears are too prolonged.The comedy relief that reigns in the first chapters of this photoplay is missing for quite some time in the latter episodes.
Frank Hopper,a Los Angeles book agent,was selected after a diligent search to portray Colonel Roosevelt,and while he occasionally over-emphasizes the characteristics of that indomitable American,his resemblance to Colonel Roosevelt is extraordinary.
First,Colonel Roosevelt is depicted as Assistant Secretary of the Navy.He is seen in a belligerent attitude toward the uniformed staff.He seizes upon the absence of Secretary Long to give orders,anticipating war with Spain over the sinking of the Maine.
The recruiting of the Rough Riders is pictured most effectively,for the scenes show the cowboys,the sons of poor and rich,and even a Sheriff and a loose character among the gathering.It is in these glimpses that the picture excels,for Victor Fleming,the director,has introduced a nice sprinkling of humor,which is aided in no small way by Dr.Hugo Riesenfeld's telling orchestration.
During the intermission the delighted men and women were heard discussing the points of the picture that pleased them most.Some loved the actions of an old band leader,while others relished the ancient popular songs,such as "A Bicycle Built for Two," "Annie Rooney," "Good-bye,Molly Darling," "A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight," "After the Ball," and other airs.And instead of the modern jazz tunes one heard these spectators humming these melodies of bygone days.
Although Noah Beery,as Sheriff Hells Bells of Byloe County,Texas,and George Bancroft as Happy Joe,furnished most of the comedy,it was Charles Farrell,as Stewart Van Brunt,the hero,who captured the hearts of the audience.His escapades were filmed with the idea of showing that Van Brunt,a wealthy young man,has a sense of humor as well as being good-looking.Mr.Farrell,who officiated as the gallant young sailor in "Old Ironsides," has a far better opportunty in this new offering,and he takes advantage of every incident to express his emotions with a sense of humor.
While the Rough Riders are still in Texas,there is an episode that aroused loud laughter.It is where the old,plump band leader is glancing at his music sheets,noticing where 'shot and echo" comes.He is unaware that Hells Bells and Happy Joe are having another of their periodical spats,in the course of which they discharge their ponderous pistols,which action is contagious,for other men of the Rough Riders pull their triggers and the band master is driven almost hysterical.
Hells Bells just misses apprehending Happy Joe for horse-stealing,because Joe had offered his services to Uncle Sam.Throughout various sequences Hells Bells constantly shakes a pair of handcuffs in Jae's face,to remind him that when the war is over and he is discharged,Joe is going back to Byloe County as his,the Sheriff's prisoner.Hells Bells is afraid that even the sea may cheat him of his victim.
Van Brunt and a Sergeant of the regulars indulge in a fight,which is splendidly filmed and amazingly well acted by Mr.Farrell,who always appears to be ready with a half wink,whether he intends to kiss Mary (Mary Astor) or get a blow in on the Sergeant's jaw.Colonel Roosevelt is supposed to be infuriated at the young fighter,of whom he decides to make an example.Mary,however,intercedes for Van Brunt,and therefore he suffers only demotion to a private.
While the scenes in which Van Brunt carries the wounded Bert Henley are too long,both Mr.Farrell and Charles Emmett Mack awaken considerable interest in this stretch by the sincerity of their acting.
In Cuba the Spanish soldiers are dressed in white and they are seen in slipshod trenches.The sharpshooters are hidden in trees and the old Gatling gun was the machine gun of the era.
In one series of scenes the "embalmed beef" comes in for attention,and even out of this Mr.Fleming has extracted some comedy.The soldiers tell the bugler that the next time he sounds the mess call and there is nothing but the bad meat to eat,they will blow "taps" over him.Nevertheless the bugler is called upon to sound the call and he does so timidly,fleeing before he has finished.
Not the least effective portion of this picture is that devoted to the disembarkation of horses,the animals being pushed down the vessel's runway into the sea.
In the closing scenes the inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt is depicted both by actual scenes and then by close-ups that are spliced in between the news reel "shots."
"The Rough Riders" is a bully entertainment.
The Spanish-American War.
THE ROUGH RIDERS,with Frank Hopper,Charles Farrell,Charles Emmett Mack,Mary Astor,Noah Beery,George Bancroft,Fred Bohler and Colonel Fred Lindsay; original story and research work by Hermann Hagedorn; screen play by John Fish Goodrich,directed by Victor Fleming; special music score by Hugo Riesenfeld.At the George M.Cohan Theatre.