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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 09:39:32
find 及物动词 vt.1.找到,寻得;发现;碰上[O1][+(that)] Newton found that all masses attract each other.牛顿发现所有的物质都相互吸引.I've found the book I was hunting for.我已找到了我曾搜寻的那本书.2.发现...处于某种状态[O][O2][O4][O7][O8][O9][+(that)] You will find it a difficult book.你会觉得这是本难以读懂的书.I found the job boring.我发现这工作令人厌烦.He found the door closed.他发现门关着.We found him waiting for us at the station.我们看到他在车站等我们.The day I got back,I found a note on my desk.我回家的那天发现书桌上有张字条.3.(物体)达到;自然地形成 Rivers find their way to the sea.江河流入大海.4.(设法)得到 I hope you will find time to come see me some afternoon.我希望哪天下午你会有时间来看我.5.知道...是有的;见到...存在[W][O][O4] You won't find many students learning Latin now.现在你见不到很多学生学习拉丁文.This kind of bird is only found in Asia.这鸟儿只有亚洲有.6.裁决;判定[W][O8] The court found him guilty.法庭判他有罪.7.供应,供给 The father has to find food and clothing for his children.父亲得供给孩子衣食.An uncle found the money for his education.一位叔叔出钱供他读书.不及物动词 vi.1.裁决,判决 The jury found against the defendant.陪审团作出了对被告不利的判决.2.发现猎物 名词n.1.发现 That was a great archaeological find.那是一次了不起的考古发现.2.发现物 meet 及物动词 vt.1.遇见;碰上 I met her at the gymnasium.我在体育馆遇见她.2.认识;会见 3.迎接 Shall we go to the station to meet your mother?我们去车站接你的母亲好吗?4.对抗;和...交手 5.遭遇,经历 A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.警察在值勤时随时都可能碰到危险.6.对付,应付;如期偿付 Let's meet that problem when it comes up.那问题一出现,我们就来对付它.7.和...接触,与...相遇 8.(路等)与...交叉;交会 9.满足;符合 To be a pilot,one must meet certain physical standards.要当飞行员必须达到体格上的某些标准.不及物动词 vi.1.相遇;相会;相识 The two trains met at a small station.两列火车在一个小站相遇(即错车).2.集合;聚会;开会 3.接触;接合;会合 The two rivers meet near the capital.这两条河在首都附近会合.4.交战 名词n.[C] 1.【美】集会;竞赛大会 He broke two national records in a track meet.他在一次田径比赛中打破了两项全国记录.2.【英】(狩猎前猎人和猎犬的)集合 meet 2 形容词 a.1.【旧】适当的,适合的[(+for)]