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Have you ever held a toy balloon阅读理解的翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 13:53:22
Have you ever held a toy balloon阅读理解的翻译
Have you ever held a toy ballon(你曾经坐过氢气球吗),they are very light (它们非常轻),but they are much bigger ballons( 但是它们是比较大的气球之一),these ballons can fly very high up in the sky( 这种气球可以在天上飞的非常高),they are big enough to carry people(它们足以承载人的重量),they are called hot-air ballons(它们被称作热气球).
To make a hot-air ballon go up,turn on the burner(为了让热气球升起来,请打开燃烧器),they will make the air inside the ballon hotter(这样可以使得气球里的空气热起来),then the ballon will go up( 接着气球就会升起来).
To make the ballon go down,turn off the burner( 要想让氢气球降落,关上燃烧器),the air inside the ballon will get coller(气球里的空气将会逐渐变冷),then the ballon will go down( 接着气球就会降落)
词组:be big enough to do sth足够大去做某事
to make 在这里表目的
turn on sth 打开某物 turn off sth关上某物
go up上升 go down 下降