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两个人分别对自己所处的环境进行了描述 请判断他们分别在何处

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 12:22:40
两个人分别对自己所处的环境进行了描述 请判断他们分别在何处
1.It's dark,hot and damp here.There are sounds all around me.
I feel so small.High above me I can hear noises ,animals calling.The sun is shining through the trees ,sperking against the darkness of the leaves.
2.There's nothing ,nothing out here.An empty space with no air,no people,no life.Below me I can see a large rock,floating and turning in the infinite space.I can shout "hello" but no one can hear me,I'm alone,far from our planet.
A in the jungle B in the space