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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 00:09:37
Automobile question which brings to our life!
That is obviously to see that automobile is one of the great invention of people in the twentieth century. The advantages of automobile such as ability to deliver people and goods to any location we want with a litter amount of time has helped people can contact with other and contribute to development of business. However, there are some disadvantages from automobile make me believe that the automobile is destroying our quality of life such as air pollution, car accident, and make our economic depend on oil of few countries.
To begin with, most of people have no doubts that automobile is cause of some pollution, especially air pollution and it contributes to increase greenhouse effect. The exhausts from the car are composed by many chemical substances, when they spread out to the environment; they will reaction with others substances and result of which are some poison smog’s can damage human health. The main substance from car's exhausts is the carbon dioxide, which is main cause of greenhouse effect.
The secondly, car accident is the fear of almost people around the world, because it kills a thousand of people each year and makes large number of people were injured. New technology has helped automobile has higher speed, it helps we can move faster and save more time, but it also brings more harm for driver and for people who often walk on the road because of the speed out of driver's control. In addition, too much car makes transport in the big city are more difficult because of traffic jam, it make people get tress out and waste a lot of time and money.
Finally, most of automobile use oil and products of oil, so it makes our economic depend on oil of few countries. Therefore, any change in oil price can be cause of economic and politic crisis. Moreover, oil exploitation became more difficult and dangerous; it can damage environment and ecosystem.
In conclusion, the car has helped people a lot, but the negative effects of automobile exceed the positive effects, and the automobile is destroying our quality of life. So, people should look for other transport in order to replace the automobile or at least improve the automobile to prevent its negative effects.
越来越多的汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来了极大的危害, 英语翻译随着社会的发展,私家车进入了越来越多的家庭,给人们的生活带来了种种便利,但同时也带来了很多问题. 综合实践活动随着手机在中国普及率的快速提高,越来越多的同学拥有了手机。这给我们带来很多便利,同时也带来了很多问题和思考。 英语翻译随着社会的发展,私家车进入了越来越多的家庭,给人们的生活带来了种种便利,但是同时也带来了许多问题. 英语翻译计算机的发展越来越快了,同时给我们日常生活和工作带来了很多方便 英语书面表达汽车自诞生以来,大大改变了人们的生活.既给我们带来了便利,同时车祸、能源消耗给人类带来了灾难.请你谈谈汽车的 “科技发展越来越快,给我们的生活、学习和工作带来了很多影响”用英语怎么说 科学技术在改变我们生活和促进社会进步的同时,也给社会带来了许多不利的影响.如汽车的大量使用会造成 我们提倡爱护动物、人和动物和谐相处.现在,养狗的人越来越多,狗也给我们.生活带来了很多快乐.但与此同时,恶狗伤人的事件也 (2006•通州区一模)人类已进入信息时代,很多信息给我们的生活和学习带来了便利,但也存在一些伪信息,我们应当学会鉴别真 英语作文现在私家车越来越多,给我们带来方便的同时,也导致了越多问题,请根据提示.写100词左右的英语短文,开头给出.不记 汽车的发明给我们生活带来方便,但同时它的使用也带来的空气污染,交通阻塞,交通事故等问题,应该怎样分