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英语翻译ishen1.The earliest controversies about the relationship

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 01:18:01
ishen1.The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photography's fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art distinct from merely practical art.
2.The important photographers are no longer willing to debate whether photography is or is not a fine art ,except to proclaim that their own work is not involved with art ,shows the extent to which they simply take for granted the concept of art impose by the triumph of Modernism ,the better the art ,the more subversive it is of the traditional aims of art.
3.For example,those photographers who suppose that,by taking pictures ,they are getting away from the pretension of art ad exemplified by painting remind us of those Abstract Expressionist painters who imagined they were getting away from the intellectual austerity of classical Modernist painting by concentrating on the physical act painting.
4.Nonetheless,until the development of the models no one could explain why conditions should regularly shift from one to the other,as happens in the periodic oscillations between appearances of the warm El Nino and the cold so called anti El Nino.
5.Taking months to traverse the Pacific,Rossby waves march to the western boundary of the Pacific basin,which is modeled as a smooth wall but in really consists of quite irregular island chairs,such as the Philippines and Indonesia.
6.When enough Kelvin waves of sufficient amplitude arrive,from the western Pacific,their negative sea-level signal overcomes the feedback mechanism tending to raise the sea level,and they begin to drive the system into the opposite cold mode.This produces a gradual shift in the winds,one that will eventually send positive sea-level Rossy waves westward,waves that will eventually turn cold cycle-ending positive Kelvin waves,beginning another warning cycle.
7.Sex-defined protective laws have often been based on stereotypical assumption concerning women’s needs and abilities and employs have frequently used them ad legal excuses for discriminating against women..
8.By validating such laws when they are challenged by lawsuits,the courts have colluded over the years establishing different,less advantageous employment terms for women than for men,thus reducing women’s competitiveness on the job mark.
9.The health risks to male employees in such industries cannot be negligible,sine chemical toxic enough to cause birth defects in fetuses or sterility in women are presumably harmful to the human metabolism.
ishen1.the最早的争论是什么关系摄影艺术中心摄影是否逼真地表现和依赖 一台机器,使它成为美术不同于纯粹实用艺术.2 .重要摄影师不再愿意辩论摄影究竟是或不是美术,除了宣称自己的工作不涉及艺术,说明在多大程度上能简单地视作理所当然的概念,对艺术的胜利,现代 ,更好的艺术,更颠复,是对传统的目标艺术.拍为例,这些摄影师的,即通过拍照,他们越来越远离虚艺术专案范例画,提醒我们这些摘表现主义画家 谁想到他们越来越远离智力紧缩古典现代派画集中的物理法 油画.4 .尽管如此,直至发展的模式,没有人能够解释为什么条件,要经常从一个地方转到另一个地方,所发生的振荡周期之间表现的热情厄尔尼诺和寒冷的所谓反厄尔尼诺 宠.5 .几个月来,穿越太平洋,Rossby波三月至西部边界的太平洋盆地 这是建模为平稳墙,但真正包含相当不规则岛椅 如菲律宾和印尼.6 .当足够Kelvin波的振幅足够到达,从西太平洋,其消极海平面克服信号反馈机制趋于提高海平面,他们开始驱动系统延伸到对面的冷模式.这就产生一个渐进的改变,在风,其中,将最终发出积极海平面rossy浪向西,浪潮最终将转冷周期结束积极Kelvin波,开始另一个循环的警告.7 .性别界定保护法往往是基于假设定型有关妇女的需求和能力,用经常用 他们诉讼的法律借口歧视妇女..8 .经鉴定,这些法律时,他们质疑的官司,法院相互勾结,多年来建立不同,那么有利聘用女性多于男性,从而降低妇女的竞争力在就业大关.9 .健康危害男性员工等行业,具有不可忽视的,正弦化学毒性足以引起出生缺陷胎儿或不孕妇女大概是有害于人类 代谢.