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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 12:13:58
大标题:Requisite Variety of Strategic Management Modes
小标题:A Cultural Study of Strategic Actions in a Deterministic Environment
This article presents the results of a qualitative study that
examines the modes by which strategy emanates in a nonprofit
human services organization, externally controlled by its funding
sources. The strategy-making process is broached by proposing
a taxonomy of strategic modes arranged into the Hrebiniak
and Joyce (1985) framework. In light of Ashby’s law of requisite
variety (1968), this study contends that the subject organization’s
context of environmental determinism should lead to a
culturally based configuration of traditional, spontaneous, and
dialectical modes. The results support the proposition for requisite
variety. This research presents valuable implications for the
study and practice of strategic management—especially regarding
strategic learning and change within externally controlled
nonprofit organizations.
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这篇文章提供了由一,(由其基金来源进行表面控制的公益人类服务)组织,发布的策略对这些方法进行考察的质量研究结果.此策略制作的程序是经提议的被编入 Hrebiniak 与Joyce (1985)准则的战略方法分类学而被讨论的.依据Ashby关于商品多样化的法律,此研究主张,隶属机构对于环境决议的上下文应领引向一个有文化基础的传统、主动并具辩证性的方法布局.而这些结果正支持了对于必需品多样化的相关主张.这个调查对于这项研究及战略管理的实施起到了很好的暗示,尤其是对于战略学习及在表面控制下的公益组织中的调整.