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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 03:29:09
Business concepts and features of the negotiations for the business negotiation process we have provided the basic framework that can be followed. 毫无疑问,了解谈判双方的各自需求不仅使我们达到双赢的目的,而且使我们克服障碍顺利达成协议。 There is no doubt that the negotiations between the two sides to understand their needs so that we achieve a win-win not only the purpose of, and enable us to reach an agreement to overcome the obstacles to the smooth. 因此,笔者给大家讲一个在谈判界广为流传的经典小故事,以此来说明商务谈判的基本原则。 Therefore, I give you about a community in the negotiations widespread classic short story, in order to explain the basic principles of business negotiations.
有一个妈妈把一个橙子给了邻居的两个孩子。 There is a mother of a neighbor's oranges to the two children. 这两个孩子便讨论起来如何分这个橙子。 The two children together to discuss how the points will be the orange. 两个人吵来吵去,最终达成了一致意见,由一个孩子负责切橙子,而另一个孩子选橙子。来吵two people quarrel, and finally reached a consensus, by a child is responsible for all oranges, oranges and the other children selected. 结果,这两个孩子按照商定的办法各自取得了一半橙子,高高兴兴地拿回家去了。 The results of the two children in accordance with the agreed approach to obtain half of their oranges, happily went home. 第一个孩子把半个橙子拿到家,把皮剥掉扔进了垃圾桶,把果肉放到果汁机上打果汁喝。 First child to get a half orange, and the skin has been thrown into the trash off the flesh on the fruit juice drink machine play. 另一个孩子回到家把果肉挖掉扔进了垃圾桶,把橙子皮留下来磨碎了,混在面粉里烤蛋糕吃。 Another child at home to undermine the flesh thrown into the trash, leave the orange skin to the ground, mixed with wheat flour baked in the cake to eat.
从上面的情形,我们可以看出,虽然两个孩子各自拿到了看似公平的一半,然而,他们各自得到的东西却为物尽其用。 From the above case, we can see, even though their two children get a half seem fair, but what they have to be fully utilized. 这说明,他们在事先并未做好沟通,也就是两个孩子并没有申明各自利益所在。 This shows that they did not do a good job in communicating in advance, that is, two children did not affirm their interests lie. 没有事先申明价值导致了双方盲目追求形式上和立场上的公平,结果,双方各自的利益并未在谈判中达到最大化。 There is no pre-affirm the value of the two sides led to the form and position of the blind pursuit of fairness, as a result, the interests of both sides in the negotiations has not been maximized. 如果我们试想,两个孩子充分交流各自所需,或许会有多个方案和情况出现。 If we imagine, the full exchange of two children of their needs, may have many programs and situation. 可能的一种情况,就是遵循上述情形,两个孩子想办法将皮和果肉分开,一个拿到果肉去喝汁,另一个拿皮去做烤蛋糕。 May be a situation in which follow the situation, two children find a way to separate the skin and pulp, a juice drink to get the flesh, and the other using skin do bake a cake. 然而,也可能经过沟通后是另外的情况,恰恰有一个孩子即想要皮做蛋糕,又想喝橙子汁。 However, after the communication is going to be a situation is another, just to have a child that is, do you want to skin the cake and drink orange juice. 这时,如何能创造价值就非常重要了。 At this time, how can we create value is very important.
结果,想要整个橙子的孩子提议可以将其他的问题拿出来一块谈。 A result, the children want the whole orange proposed other problems can be a talk show. 他说:“如果把这个橙子全给我,你上次欠我的棒棒糖就不用还了”。 He said: "If the whole of the oranges to me, you owe me the last of the lollipop would not have also been." 其实,他的牙齿被蛀得一塌糊涂,父母上星期就不让他吃糖了。 In fact, his teeth were a mess borers, parents would not let him last week, the candy. 另一个孩子想了一想,很快就答应了。想了一想another child, quickly agreed. 他刚刚从父母那儿要了五块钱,准备买糖还债。 He just there from their parents to the five money ready to buy sugar debt. 这次他可以用这五块钱去打游戏,才不在乎这酸溜溜的橙子汁呢。 He can make use of these five money to play games, do not care that it sour orange juice. 两个孩子的谈判思考过程实际上就是不断沟通,创造价值的过程。 Two children, thinking of the negotiations is in fact constant communication, the process of creating value. 双方都在寻求对自己最大利益的方案的同时,也满足对方的最大利益的需要。 Both sides in the search for the best interests of their own programs, but also to meet the best interests of each other's needs.
商务谈判的过程实际上也是一样。 In fact the process of business negotiations as well. 好的谈判者并不是一味固守立场,追求寸步不让,而是要与对方充分交流,从双方的最大利益出发,创造各种解决方案,用相对较小的让步来换得最大的利益条件。 A good negotiator is not always stick to the position of the pursuit of attitude, but to fully exchange with each other, from the best interests of both sides to create a variety of solutions, using relatively small in exchange for concessions to the best interests of the conditions. 在满足双方最大利益的基础上,如果还存在达成协议的障碍,那么就不妨站在对方的立场上,替对方着想,帮助扫清达成协议的一切障碍。 In meeting the best interests of both sides on the basis of an agreement if there are still obstacles, it may wish to stand on each other's position, for the sake of the other party to help clear away all obstacles to reach an agreement. 这样,最终的协议是不难达成的。 In this way, the final agreement is reached it is not difficult. 而对方也是遵循相同的原则来取得交换 And the other is to follow the same principles to achieve the exchange of