作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.What kind of music do most people prefer,slow or fast musi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 18:04:59
1.What kind of music do most people prefer,slow or fast music?And why?
2.What kind of music do you prefer,classical music or pop music?
3.Do you think music can affect people’s lives,for example,to calm people,to cheer them up,or to increase efficiency?
4.Do you like singing karaoke?Why?
5.What is your opinion of the large amounts of money spent on ads for two competing products?
6.Should people buy things according to what ads say?
7.What are the negative social effects of advertisements?
8.Should young people buy the clothes advertised by movie stars?
9.Why do people have pets?
10.Which do you think are better pets,dogs or cats?Why?
11.Is it cruel to keep pets inside an apartment all day?Why?
12.Do you think it is ok to eat meat?Do you think it is ok to eat dog meat?Why?
13.What do you think of girls wearing miniskirts?
14.When you are wearing something new or fashionable,do you feel shy or proud?
15.Do you think fashion shows are necessary in today’s society?
16.Do you think people react to you differently when you wear different clothes?
17.What would you say if someone wants to borrow money from you?
18.If you were given a billion dollars,what would you do with it?
19.What qualities must a person have to make big money?
20.What do you think is the most important factor that leads you to buy something:price,quality,or brand name?
1.I think is fast music,it can make people excited.
2.Pop better.
3.Yes,I do.
4.Yes,because it can relax myself.
5.It depends.
6.I think no.
7.I think it's difficult to say,also it depends.
9.They want to care them.
10.Dogs,they can protect you and it every lovely as well as.
11.Yes,because pets are weaker than ourselves.
12.1).Yes 2)No because I think is evry cruel.
13.No idea.(sexy..)
15.Yes,I do.
17.I'm very glad to help you,but there isn't enough money in my pocket.
19.I dont't know.
20.Brand name.