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英语翻译My name is Nybol Reyak,23yrs old,5'7'' tall and the firs

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:35:52
My name is Nybol Reyak,23yrs old,5'7'' tall and the first daughter of my parents from a family of five (5) inclusive of my father and mother.I had 2 younger brothers- Wilson and James of ages 12 and 15 respectively.My father- Dr.Reyak Kayden,was the Managing Director of Sudanese Boost Co.Ltd company of importing Machineries & Equipments for Industry in Sudan and my mother happens to be a teacher.It wasn’t up to 2 months I gained admission into the University of Khartoum,Faculty of Law that these nightmares of mine began.I lost both of my parents and my younger brother James on the same day.My other brother Wilson and I managed to escape but unfortunately he couldn’t make it as luck ran out of him when he got hit by a stray bullet.I couldn’t help it but cry as he was my only family alive.I felt so devastated and depressed as I have lost virtually everything I had including my school certificates and my passport.
The only hope I had to live for a better life was the certificate of deposit and my late father’s Will.Whatever the struggle I went through,I always ensured nothing separates me from these documents as my life depends on it right now.
I was able to enter Dakar Senegal with the help of one sister by name Mariam.I wasn’t having a passport on me,no vaccination card and no traveling allowances.I needed to pay 15000F CFA for stamping and the immigration officers needed proves that I had up to 50000F CFA on me as BTA.These I don’t have but thank God for Mariam,she helped me out and that was the last time we ever saw each other.Immediately I crossed into Senegal,I asked for directions and I went directly to the refugee camp with the hope that things would be much easier for me but I was wrong,as the situation of things are getting more worsen so I decided to look for a means out of this place.
Please,I don’t mean to get you bored with these stories of mine.I am only telling you all these so you can understand what I have gone through.Two days without food,no shelter,nobody to confide in and nobody to trust.Life has been very unfair to us from this part of the world and particularly unfair to me for all that I have been through.
LIFE IN THE CAMP.Just like I have earlier said,life is very difficult here as you we are been subjected to hard labor.I like been alone as everybody in here need help.So what is the need of confiding in someone whom you know very well cannot be of help to you?
我的名字是Nybol Reyak,23yrs老,5英尺7英寸高,第一个女儿的父母从一个五口之家(5)包含我的父亲和母亲.我有2弟弟詹姆斯·威尔逊的年龄,12至15.我的父亲——博士Reyak Kayden,是提高公司的董事苏丹.进口机械有限公司&设备行业在苏丹和我妈妈是一名教师.它没有达到2月我获准进入大学法学院喀土穆,我开始,这些噩梦.我失去了我的父母和我的弟弟詹姆斯在同一天.我和我的弟兄威尔逊侥幸逃脱,但不幸的是,他不能使它的运气用尽了他时,他有流弹打中了.我忍不住哭了,但他是我唯一的家人还活着.我感到很伤心,沮丧,因为我已经失去了几乎所有我曾包括我的学校的证书,这是我的护照.
我能进入达喀尔举办的一个塞内加尔的妹妹的名字本月.我并不拥有一张护照上我,没有接种疫苗的卡片,没有旅行津贴.我需要付冲模及15000F CFA移民官员证实,我需要上50000F CFA给我像双向晶闸管.这些我没有但是感谢上帝,她帮助我从本月,这是最后一次我们看见彼此.我立刻逃到塞内加尔,我问一下路,我就直接到难民营与希望事情会更容易,但是我错了,我的情况正变得越来越恶化的东西,所以我决定去找一个意味着离开这个地方.