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帮我翻译一下~紧急~ 英语高手进

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 19:45:43
帮我翻译一下~紧急~ 英语高手进
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晴.: 晴.:10分钟前Everybody could a have bad time,and you might complain your family, your friends, your life, sometimes you even got collapsed, and you maybe feel that "I got an unfair destiny..."
See, there are lots of guys and girls seem gloomy everyday by their blue faces as well, as if they are gonna get even with somebody or this society.
What's wrong?
Everybody knows why, otherwise they will never upsetonly because of some little case; or everybody doesn't know why, otherwise why they always keep on worrying but they know it's awful and useless?
Somebody sometimes gotta do some temporary and tiring job, 'cause there is no natural born expert or killer, no matter who he is, the great as Albert Einstein or the shit as George Boy. It absolutely costs a man sometime to be good or to be bad.
But you feel despairing? So did I before~
I can not tell you what is the good medicine for your sorrow, but I can tell you: at the same time you feel disappointed, there are still some more than 15 people looking at you, and they place a great hope on you! You parents, sisters, brothers and your love. Don't believe? Count it!
You might say "I got no love!" You know, you just said that when you felt bad ~~
When you got pissed, they surely will not feel so good, but when you are happy and brisk, they like to listen to you even if you are talking about some bullshit...
We still are far away from success, but we still are touched by love, so we always should have happiness!
Several decades later, you recall the forepassed shitty stuff, and you can't help laughing "what a childish man I was! I won't let my kid walk in a round way as what I did! It's absolutely ridiculous ^_^
Cheer up, just cheer up, and do very best for your love!
At last I want to say:Qiuxi(秋熙)I believe you can do best.
有的时候,有些人必须做一些临时的劳累的活儿,因为世界上没有天生的专家和杀手,无论他是谁,伟大的人像Albert Einstein,或像George Boy一样的垃圾.这绝对会花掉一个人的一些时间来做一个好人或?我以前也是这样的.