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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 21:06:41
Eight days before Christmas in 1579,the body of a young girl was found in the river Avon,a mile east of Shakespeare’s hometown.Her name was Katherine Hamlett ,and she had made her livling as a spinster,meaning that she spun wool (not that she was,as the word came to mean a half century later,an elderly unmarried woman).Eight weeks later her body was disnterred from its burial place for an inquest.Since inquests usually followed immmediately after the discovery of a corpse,there must have been a suspicion concerning the cause of her death.Had she been of sound mind?Or,since illicit pregnancies and the not infrequent subsequent rejections by over and family were strong motives for suicide,perhaps Katherine’s death was not accidental.But whatever the cause of the delay ,the inquest reached a verdict of death by accident,perhaps because someone with power,as in Ophelia’s case,influenced the decision.As his later use of Katherine’s family name indicates ,Shakespeare,fifteen at the time,seems to have been deeply impressed by this young girl’s tragedy.
Inquest at Tiddington on the Body of Katherine Hamlett
Inquisition…taken at Tiddingon in the County aforesaid on the eleventh day of February …before Henry Rogers,a coroner of the said lady the Queen…on a view of the body of Katherine Hamlett…spinster,found there dead and drowned,on the oath of :Who say on their oath that the aforesaid Katherine Hamlett,on the seventeenth day of December in the twenty-second year of the reign of the aforesaid lady the Queen ,going with a certain vessel,in English a pail,to draw water at the river called Avon in Tiddington aforesaid,it so happened that the aforesaid Katherine,standing on the bank of the same river,suddnely and by accident slipped and fell into the river aforesaid,and there,in the water…by accident was drowned,and not otherwise nor in other fashion came by her death.In testimony whereof both the coroner aforesaid and the jury aforesaidhave set their seal to this inquisition..on the day,in the year ,and in the place abovesaid.
离1579年的圣诞节还有八天,在莎士比亚故居以东一英里附近的AVON河里,人们发现了一具年轻女子的尸体.她名叫Katherine Hamlett,她是一个未婚的独具妇女,意味着她以纺纱为生().为了调查,8个星期后,她的尸体被挖出.尸体被发现后,调查就立即开展了.她的死因一定有可疑.她曾经意识清醒吗.