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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 00:42:42
Is Dieting Good or Bad?
As far as I want to say,dieting is good.Some people always think that eating less means you can not get much more nutrition which is bad for your health, whereas, this opinion is not ture.On the contrast,dieting means lessen the burden of the stomach.
As we all know, nowdays in China food sanitation has becoming a more and more serious problem.Many food have its quality problems, every day we even do not know how much unhealthy food we eat which may full of food additive, hormone and posion chemical composition. During digestion process, these would harmful to our body. So the less food you eat, the less burden of your digestive system.Besides, if you want to eat some delicious food in the resterant, it is quit expensive and waste time.
In one word, eating less does not cause malnutrition, in fact, food experts tell us we can prefer more vegetables and fruits rather than meat because compared with meat, vegetables and fruits has less fat,this would reduce the illness frequency rate with hypertension and coronary heart disease and so on.So, in order to keep health, let us have a diet. At the same time, we can also stay slim, hit two birds with one stone,isn’t it?
Is Dieting Good or Bad?
As far as I want to say,dieting is good.Some people always think that dieting means you can not get enough nutrition which is bad for your health.However,in my opinion ,this is not ture.As a matter of fact,dieting means the less burden you give to the stomach.
As we all know,nowdays in China,food salfty is becoming a more and more serious problem.There are so many food which have quality problems around us that we even do not know how much unhealthy food we eat which may full of food additive,hormone and posion chemical composition.During digestion process,these would harmful to our body and cause diseases.So I think the less food you eat,the less burden you give to your digestive system.Besides,if you want to eat some delicious food in a resterant,it will be quite expensive and takes a lot fo time.
In one word,eating less does not cause malnutrition.In fact,food experts tell us we should choose vegetables and fruits istead of meat because compared with meat,vegetables and fruits has less fat.As we all konw fat can makes us fatter than before and causes illness such as heart disease .So,in order to keep healthy,let us have a diet.At the same time,we can also stay slim.So why don't we kill two birds with one stone.
再问: 谢谢你,我写作算是英语中最差的了,听力和阅读都还好,写作也像听力那样做了很多练习,但是不知为什么就是效果没有听力好,也没法像听力那样提高得很快。我感觉写作真的挺难的,你能不能告诉有什么好方法吗,我语法差,也知道这不是一天两天就能提高的,但是每每写出来都是这样的一篇错误百出的作文,真的不知道怎么办才好。
再答: 一个老土但有用的方法就是背范文然后去套,我刚才说你是初中可能不恰当,高中的可能性大一点,因为就拿这往篇文章来说也是写作中很常见的一类,非常典型,有正反观点,然后再让你选一个来阐述,相信这种满分作文平时随便去买个英语作文示范都会有的,我的意见是挑几个不同类的作文然后去背熟,再试着不去看把他们默写出来,作文的量不要太多,熟背5篇就差不多了,只要能滚瓜烂熟就行,相信里面会有很多实用的句型的,比如on one hand .....on other hand;in my opinion;there is an old saying that +比如刚才用过的“一石二鸟”什么的;还有总结性的句子如in a word,above all什么的,总之自己总结一下,相信会有帮助的。最后还是要唠叨一句,不要写长句子,句子长了容易错,大不了全是短句,老师找不出错就不大会扣你分的,最后祝你成绩更上一层楼啊^-^